Simple Woman

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Outside my window
This is what it looked like around here yesterday. At church we FINALLY had a Eucharistic procession for the Feast of Corpus Christi. It was wonderful! A friend of mine made the special canopy and we had a short procession with Benediction at the end.

Incidentally, that same day after mass, after the procession and after donuts (where the pastor’s wonderful dog greeted everyone warmly and didn’t steal a single donut – which is quite notable because my dog Sophie would have definitely conned people out of their sugary confections… but I digress), there was a piano/organ recital at church. So there are some pics of Sam playing the organ too. It was just a full and fulfilling day at church.

Created with flickr slideshow.

I am thinking…
I was going to do homeschool today but I had such a busy weekend that I needed a break to recover!

I am thankful for…
my wonderful parish and all of the opportunities to be “community” it has given my family.

From the learning rooms
Sam is continuing in the ACT writing course and sees his math tutor tomorrow.  Gabe is working in Alex.  I need to get them all working on math and reading for the rest of the week. Next week is music camp!

From the kitchen…
Broasted turkey breast, mashed potatoes and salad.  I note that Jillian Michaels doesn’t like mashed potatoes from a box.  I bet she’d like the ones I make!  I use low-fat sour cream and low-fat margarine and they’re very moist and tasty and I don’t think they’re that full of calories in one serving.

I am wearing…
Pink T-shirt, running pants.

I am creating…

I am going…
to walk today before nightfall if it kills me!

I am reading…
I am re-reading Real Learning

I am hoping…
for a nice restful week. The rest of the month is going to be tough!

I am hearing…
the humm of the air conditioner and Rosie singing!

Around the house…
maintaining the neat house I have so far, attacking the laundry, encouraging help to get speakers and stuff arranged on my front porch!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
no big plans. Catch up on laundry. Going for a quick day trip at the end of the week to attend my BFF’s son’s graduation party.

A picture I am sharing:  
More Battle of the Bands!

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