Simple Woman

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Outside my window
it is very pretty but still on the chilly side! I would love it to get into the 70s and stay there for a while.
may 2010 022I am thinking…
that I probably won’t be doing a ton of blogging this week unless my backside starts feeling better. Woman vs. marble stair is just a no-win situation for the woman and Mr. Pete informs me that I am all of the beautiful colors of the rainbow back there, with a little black and orange thrown in with the red and blue. Lovely.

I am thankful for…
Calvin, who apparently forgot that he wasn’t driving an ambulance, broke a few speed laws coming to pick me up after my encounter with the marble staircase. He did an EMT assessment, which is kind of cool to have my own kid do that! and took me to the hospital. He looked genuinely concerned!

He also got me this for Mother’s Day.
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Mr. Pete and the other kids looked concerned too and I was treated with kid gloves the rest of Saturday and most of yesterday. Today- not so much, but it was nice while it lasted.

From the learning rooms
My 4-year-old daughter dragged Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons over to me and demanded to have her first reading lesson.  So I guess she is now officially being homeschooled.

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Last week I just gave up on Saxon Math for Gabe and started him on ALEKS.  So far, he likes it and he is spending a lot more time on his math work.  We’ll see how it goes.

From the kitchen…
Sloppy Joes and side salad.  If I’m not feeling better this week, we aren’t going to have a lot of creativity from the kitchen!

I am wearing…
Black pants and an orange T with embroidery on it that someone gave me!

I am creating…
some files on my MP3 player (that I got for Mother’s Day, so that I can listen to all of the talks I downloaded from the Ultimate Homeschool Expo!

I am going…
to do a lot of walking if I can’t do my exercise workouts.

I am reading…
I’m reviewing Bravewriter and Help for High School.  
I also bought some special bookmarks for my The Divine Office for Dodos: A Step-By-Step Guide to Praying the Liturgy of the Hours.  these have a lot of helpful hints on them that make praying the Divine office easier.  They were only about $10. I ordered them here and they came very quickly.

I am hoping…
to feel better and to make it through the end of the month of May filled with soccer games to play, soccer games to ref, music lessons, recitals, concerts etc.

I am hearing…
kids playing outside.

Around the house…

just recovering.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
I’m not making plans for the rest of the week!  I’m going to take it day by day and see how I feel. However, I would like to do something special for the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima and also St. Isadore – two big feasts in my family.   

A picture I am sharing:  
I always knew that Noah and Izzy would always have fun together- and so far they do!  Especially Izzy!
may 2010 035
may 2010 034

may 2010 021This is why it is great to give your kids siblings!

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