My Dearest Daughter

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In 1958 my mother got married and moved across the country. These are the letters written to her, mainly by her mother, between 1958 and 1960, as well as other artifacts from my family’s past. Others in the series are in my file.

This week we hear from my grandpa, Calvin Leckrone Sr.

April 29, 1959

Dear Children:

Thinking of you so I’ll talk to you.  We just got rained in.  I hope you are having some of same.  It rained four or five times the last week. We are fine.  Mama is working this afternoon.  We have twelve acres of oats planed and four acres more plowed back of the barn.  We are piling the brush I cut last winter.  It will be nice to have that land cleared.

I worked until two weeks ago.  The B.H. gold me he would put me to work as soon as he could. 

We are holding close to seven hundred people each fish fry.  Not bad, eh?!  I’ve been visiting sixteen to twenty men every time I go to the hospital in St. Vincent dePaul work.  Our K of C 4090 Council is having a spring festival.  are selling tickets on a new Cadillac first prize and the seller of the winning ticket will get a new Pontiac or $2000.  How would you like for me to put your tickets in  – as seller or buyer?

The festival will run May 23, 24 and 25th.  I think I’ll sell tickets on the grounds. 

We will purchase a ten acre tract of land on Davison Road for our hall and play ground if we do well enough. 

(Note from me:  They did do well enough and built a beautiful building and had many many more festivals that I fondly remember as part of my childhood!)

Calvin will go on a pilgrimage to Mio next Sunday.  Of course Dad will do the chores and take care of our two calves.  We plan to raise some nice steers.  How many calves do you have now? 

I’m listening to the ball game and the rain.  The game has been held over three times already.  The Tigers have only won 1 of 14 games. 

It looks like a cool wet summer for us.  There will be lots of hay.  I was out to Pratts.  Harry cried because he has so much to do and Erna is still in bed.  I don’t know how to help him.  He wants a tractor now and no money to buy it with.  His neighbors don’t help much. 

(The Pratts were good friends with my grandparents.  I never knew Erna, but “Uncle Harry” was over for dinner a lot and he endured many programs that my sister and I produced in our living room!  He gave me a beautiful doll with red hair that I named Bonnie.  He was a very sweet man.)

Hope you both are feeling well.  I’ll be down to see you and Grandchild. 

Much Love,


Calvin Leckrone Sr.

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