Simple Woman

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Outside my window
It looks very promising- blue skies, moderate temperature!
april 2010 205I am thinking…
got my taxes done.  Surprisingly, figuring the city tax was more difficult than the other two- probably because you can’t do the city on Turbo Tax and probably because city accountants and lawyers insisted certain things get worded a certain way but didn’t care too much whether it was understandable to the busy tax payer.  But the main thing is they are done! 

Ugh… had an awkward moment at church yesterday.  We were playing this beautiful, inspirational and perhaps a bit too long piece of music for offertory. It’s always hard to judge how long to make the offertory piece.  Sometimes it takes the ushers a long time to get the collection and then get the family with the bread and wine up the aisle.  We frequently run out of music or have to repeat a verse ad nauseaum. Unfortunately yesterday’s ushers zipped through and got the collection  collected  in record time while we were playing a piece of music with no easy exit, i.e. once you start it – you’re committed to the end. So we’re playing along, and I’m mindful of a run I have up to a high G coming up.  The collection had been taken, the gifts have been brought up and so Father continued with mass instead of waiting for us to finish. The people stood up, with their “and also with you” response, while we were still playing!  I wanted to melt into the wood work, but the group had to finish the piece – we had the pianist, musicians  and the singers committed and playing/singing their hearts out and I felt I had to stick with it  – stick with them.  But I still had a choice to make – do I aggressively take the run and hit the high note as written, or do I tone it down.  I took a more middle approach and inevitably bobbled the run and meekly playing the G.  A few measures later and we were done.  Lesson learned- next Easter put this one as a second communion song/ meditation piece!

I am thankful for…
our church, which is starting to put more and more of the old votive candle stands back!  And they put the little votives back too!  They use to just have the big candles that were $2 to light, but with the little ones at 50 cents, even the kids can light one for a special intention.

From the learning rooms
Sam took the ACT and said it wasn’t too bad!  This gives me some hope.  The plan was to use this as a baseline test and to take it again if we need to.  The scores will be available online in two weeks.  So now we move ahead with CLEP and the rest of his course work.

From the kitchen…
Taco night!

I am wearing…
Black pants and black long-sleeved shirt.

I am creating…
a soothing state of mind.  Dixie Carter’s passing this weekend from endometrial cancer was startling and sad. I’ve been reliving my mother’s death from ovarian cancer last year and SLO having breast cancer. It almost seems that when you’re done with your lady parts, it might be best to just have them removed!

I am going…
to try to get back into a school schedule this week.  Interestingly, I don’t feel THAT refreshed and recharged.  Holy Week was – well Holy Week – lots of preparation at home and at church. Last week I focused on getting the taxes done.  I could really use a week to just relax!

I am reading…
I’m reviewing Bravewriter and Help for High School

I am hoping…
to do that  “Get Rid of the Jiggle! Upper Body Shape-up Rotation” with the Firm again this week in addition to an hour of walking!  Two weeks ago I did a good part of the first week rotation.  Last week I did a lot of walking.  This week I want to try to combine the two.  Unfortunately it won’t start today – probably just the walking. 

I am hearing…


Around the house…

recovering from a busy weekend.  Tonight I am playing the flute at a special mass and I’ll have to practice this afternoon for that.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Start moving ahead teaching Rosie to read and write. I wish she could wait until fall, but I guess I should strike while the iron is hot!  I also want to teach Izzy how to embroider.  I found all of this wonderful embroidery from my grandma and great grandma and she has expressed an interest in learning.  Gosh- I haven’t done that in years! but I think that might be a fun thing to for us to do together this summer.


A picture I am sharing:  
april 2010 126

A cloth with great-grandma’s embroidery!
april 2010 162

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