My Dearest Daughter

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In 1958 my mother got married and moved across the country. These are the letters written to her, mainly by her mother, between 1958 and 1960. Others in the series are in my file.

March 16, 1959

Dear Mickey and Pete:
Do you know a store owner in Tierra Amarilla named Fritz Strause?  The machine was delivered to his store because the truck wouldn’t go 18 miles on a dirt road. But why in the name of heaven didn’t Strause send you a card. I never dreamed that Tierra Amarilla is 18 miles is 18 miles from the ranch. Oh dear, I do hope that the thing is all straightened out now; that Strause did have the machine in his store and you have it.  You should not accept it if it is damaged and you do not pay any charges because it is prepaid.  Mr. Gregor tried to call Strause by phone this morning, but it seems he has no phone so he called the San Juan Bos. Trucking Line in Albuquerque, a Mr. Roybal (who is not a relation to Pete’s) and he told us the machine was delivered to Fritz H. Strause. The initials FHB. 

Anyway, maybe we can finally get the machine. Why it had to happen to us I’ll never know. Singer surely isn’t going to make much profit what with air mail, spcials, phone calls etc.  I don’t care so long as you get the machine.  

Well spring has sprung. But for Easter we are to have some snow. Oh well. I’m not getting anything new. Dad has about 2 more days of work.  Oh yes, about your grocery bill. I think you are doing very well to get by with $30 for two weeks for two of you.  Government statistics say $10 per person per week.  Our bill is about $20 to $25 per week for the three of us.  Course we have had to buy our meat.  Dad had a cow killed this week so next week won’t be so bad, about $15 per week.  So  your groceries won’t be too much higher.

Well I’ll stop now. I am all “writ” out. It’s a gloomy day today.  Did you get some of that snow Wednesday and Thursday. Denver got 6 inches. I hope you don’th ave a drought. The Lord will take care of his own.

God Bless you both and Lucy and Mrs. E.

Mother and Dad.

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