7-Quick Takes Friday – the Not so Quick Edition

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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1. My son Calvin is doing that “walk in the wilderness” thing I was sort of hoping that he wouldn’t do in his early 20s with regard to his faith. Nonetheless he wrote this amazing letter to Gabe for his confirmation and with Gabe’s permission I’m sharing it.

Dear Gabe

Well Gabe. Look at you. I was there and saw you in the first seconds of your life. I saw you taking your first breaths. I was there when you took your first steps. I was the first one to push you over. And now I’m going to see you become a full adult member of the Catholic church.

When mom told me I needed to write a letter for your confirmation retreat, I was like “DANG now I have to write on my day off!” but after thinking about it, I remembered my confirmation retreat and how cool getting all those letters were. Right now I just want you to know a few things. So listen up JD/CF:

You and I both know that I’m not the holiest guy to walk this big green earth. I wouldn’t be the first one to tell you that either (Mom would). My faith has always meant a lot to me. Even if I try and drive mom nuts with telling her otherwise.

You remember the time I had to talk to you in my room and made you sit on the floor. You didn’t know this but I had to go to church and pray about what I was going to say to you. Now god didn’t tell me to make you sit on the floor. When there was a lot of other places you could have sat. That was me. He did however guide me in what needed to be said. the moral of the story is even if you can or can’t do something you can always as the big man’s help.

Now I know you want to be a man and *”man up,” and someday I hope you do. But being a man isn’t just “man-ing up” or having guns like mine. Being a man is being someone that other people love and respect. To be loved and respected you need to be nice, trustful, loving and respectful. One might even say to be a man you need to be holy. Case in point, Dad. We both love and honor dad. I have no problem saying that dad is on of the manliest men I know and one of the holiest.

That’s in there’ something for you to think about. I know you’re a good guy. Don’t ever change that. Good luck on this time of your life. I know how hard it can be. Cut your hair. And I love you.


*Slightly edited to protect the innocent

2. Mom’s estate taxes – check
    Mom’s income taxes – check
Our income taxes – uh… well at least I installed the Turbo tax! I have to get busy with that this weekend!

3. I had an epiphany moment with regard to my sister too but I have to give you some background first…
Back in grade school there was a boy in her grade who teased her mercilessly about having a mole in the middle of her forehead. What many Hindu women put on cosmetically, my sister had as a gift of nature. But she had it removed because this clown was such a jerk about it.

Anyway one day I was playing kickball wtih my friends and my sister came running up to me in tears because this little boy was taunting her again.  I was so mad that I left the game and went up to this kid and said something like, “Now look, quit teasing my sistahhhhh….” I didn’t get much more than that out before he punched me so hard in the gut that I fell on the ground with the wind totally knocked out of me, flopping like a fish out of water and wondering if I was going to pass out.  When I recovered my breath I saw my sister and told her that I had tried to make it right but that he punched me and she said, “well I didn’t tell you to DO anything.”

And that’s always been part of my problem – I want to DO! and I frequently get the wind knocked out of me.  I need to do and for some family, some friends, that works.  And for others I just need to sit down, shut up, nod in support  just BE.

4.  I made it half way through that rotation this week but that’s pretty good!  I over did it on Wednesday with doing the FIRM workout in the morning and then walking in the afternoon.  After tomorrow’s work out I’ll have done four workouts this week and next week I’ll see if I can meet or beat it – even if it is Holy Week!

5.Ronald Regan was a prophet.

6. Representative Boehner from Ohio is a brave man.

7.  A lovely picture I saw on my screen saver and decided to share here!

This will be my first Easter without my Mom, but she sure was lovely here at the Easter Brunch with her grandchildren. 

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