Sunday Snippets

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Sunday Snippets–A Catholic Carnival is a weekly opportunity to share our best posts with the wider Catholic blogging community. To participate, create a post highlighting posts that would be of interest to Catholics and link to the host blog at This That and the Other Blog. Go to the host blog and leave a comment giving a link to your post.

One of the things I thought about this week in conjunction with Sam’s Birthday was the importance of giving control of the birth process back to women. With the C-section rate soaring and celebrities opting for Cesareans as if they were going in for a pedicure, I think it is important for young women to feel confident in their ability to grow and birth their own babies. Medical intervention should only be an emergency supplement to their birth choices, not the main course. How Health Care legislation affects this remains to be seen. And why is this a Catholic issue? Because how a woman is treated in birth can help determine how she feels about remaining open to new life. If women aren’t treated with dignity and respect during one of the most intimate moments of their life, it can just close their hearts to the idea of having more children. It happened to me. Sam’s birth changed all of that for me.

We had a couple of good feast days last week so I blogged about St. Agnes and St. Sebastian

Lots of action this week over at Visits to Candyland.

Kelly blogged about a passage from the book The Crucified Rabbi: Judaism and the Origins of Catholic Christianity about the tradition of invoking the name of someone’s mother in prayer. That certainly got a discussion going with the anti-Mary crowd.

The discussion also moved to my reposting of an examination of the Hail Mary

Elswhere, Hilltop Farm had a review of The Gospel Truth: A Lectionary-Based Catechism for Adults – Cross-Referenced to the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults that looks pretty interesting, so I bought a copy.

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