Sunday Snippets

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Sunday Snippets–A Catholic Carnival is a weekly opportunity to share our best posts with the wider Catholic blogging community. To participate, create a post highlighting posts that would be of interest to Catholics and link to the host blog at This That and the Other Blog. Go to the host blog and leave a comment giving a link to your post.

Some of the best prayer books I have ever bought were from eBay. My favorite is this old copy of Treasury of Catholic Prayer by Father Lovasik
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It had all the standard Catholic Prayers I wanted my kids to learn and then some! It has been very helpful to me over the past couple of years. The only prayer it didn’t have surprisingly was the Morning Offering so I pasted the version I like on the cover.

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I would recommend to Catholic interested in traditional prayer to pick up this little book if you see it at a yard sale, book sale or on eBay!

Kelly, my co-blogger at Visits to Candyland shared this interesting bit of information from the book The Crucified Rabbi: Judaism and the Origins of Catholic Christianity:

When I was an Episcopalian priest doing a hospital visit, I met a Jewish rabbi who informed me that when a fellow Jew is suffering, they often invoke the name of that person’s mother in prayer with the belief that it provokes God’s mercy. This intrigued me, especially as to how it might relate to the Catholic practice of invoking the name of Mary—since she is the mother of the suffering servant Jesus Christ. This breakthrough led to many others. Eventually I was convinced that only Catholicism could truly account for the Jewish heritage of Christ and the Apostles. I renounced my Episcopalian ministry and became Catholic.

Discussion with some of our Evangelical regulars ensues over there.

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