My Domestic Church Daily Clips 01/28/2010

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  • Tea at Trianon: Do We Care About Boys?The feminism fallouttags: currentevents
    • The problem is not that women are doing well, it’s that boys are doing badly. The two genders cannot be pitted against one another without all of us losing. A new report by the Pew Research Center finds that more younger women are marrying down: 28 percent of wives aged 30- to 44-years-old have more education than their husbands, compared to 19 percent of husbands who are better-educated than their wives. One in four wives now substantially outearns her husband. It turns out women are not necessarily happy about male failure. Betsy Stevenson and Justin Wolfers’ 2007 study, “The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness,” notes that “By many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men.”
  • Univ. of Florida Awaits Tim Tebow Ad – Campus Chattertags: currentevents
    • The University of Florida campus is slowly catching wind of Tim Tebow’s decision to star in a Super Bowl ad slated to air on CBS on Feb. 7, and some say the ad’s message is bound to spark controversy.
      The ad spot was purchased by Focus on the Family, a conservative Christian organization that places emphasis on marriage and parenthood.
      The Associated Press reported this week that the ad’s theme will be “Celebrate Family, Celebrate Life,” with Pam Tebow sharing the story of her difficult 1987 pregnancy — instead of getting an abortion she decided to give birth to Tebow, the now-famous quarterback who went on to become a Heisman Trophy winner, leading the Gators to two BCS wins.
      Gary Schneeberger, Focus on the Family spokesman, told ABC News he couldn’t comment on the content of the ad. However, he said his organization has always viewed the Tebows as “strong, committed Christians” who have inspirational family stories to tell.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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