My Domestic Church Daily Clips 01/09/2010

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  • Desperate Housewives » Blog Archive » “Something’s Coming” episode 409 recaptags: no_tag
    • Mrs. McCluskey calls Lynette on only being her friend when she needs something.  Babysitting, shelter, etc. 
  • / Europe – Jobs gloom hits west’s recovery hopeshope and changetags: obama, recession
    • In the US, news that the economy shed another 85,000 jobs in December dashed hopes that a quickening labour market turnround could add momentum to the rebound and make it more robust.
    • The US figures were particularly disappointing because a relatively good November jobs report – revised up to a 4,000 job gain – and other labour market data had raised hopes of a flat or even positive month in Decembe
    • “One step forward, 85,000 steps back,” said Michael Feroli, an economist at JPMorgan. About 661,000 people stopped looking for work in the US in December. If they had not done so, the unemployment rate would have gone up to roughly 10.4 per cent. Analysts said the US economy was still likely to start generating jobs within a few months, but it would take a long time before unemployment began to decline significantly.The US has now lost 7.2m jobs since the start of the recession, while the eurozone has lost more than 4m, despite extraordinary measures to protect labour markets by the 16 countries that use the euro.
  • 2009 study confirms abortion-breast cancer link :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)tags: no_tag
    • An April 2009 study co-authored by a researcher who has previously denied an abortion-breast cancer link shows a statistically significant increase in breast cancer risk among women who have had abortions or who use oral contraceptives.
      The study by researchers including Jessica Dolle of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research contained a table reporting a statistically significant 40 percent risk increase for women who have had abortions. According to the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer (CABC), the study listed abortion as among “known and suspected risk factors.”
    • The study, titled “Risk factors for triple-negative breast cancer in women under the age of 45 years,” was published in the American Association for Cancer Research’s (AACR) medical journal “Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.”
      Researchers also found a significant link between the use of oral contraceptives and a particularly aggressive cancer known as triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC).
      Brind said that according to the study, women who start oral contraceptives before the age of 18 multiply their risk of TNBC by 3.7 times. Those who were users of oral contraceptives within one to five years before the study showed a risk 4.2 times the average.
  • St. Joseph’s Vanguard And Our Lady’s Train » Blog Archive » Doctor changes position on abortion-breast cancer linktags: breastcancer, abortion

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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