A Homeschool mom’s new year’s list

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1. Start every day off with prayer, liturgical day and scripture.
2. To be more focused on learning and not to much on just finishing the curriculum.

3. To not be afraid to look for help, whether that be from my spouse, older children, or outside and online courses for my children.

4. Music and art are part of a well-rounded education. Take time to incorporate them into the homeschool lifestyle.
5. Purge the classroom of unnecessary, outdated or unused books and materials. See what will sell and then pitch the rest.

6. Before purchasing any new piece of curriculum see what we already have.
7. The library is my friend.
8. So are low-priced books on Amazon!

9. Pick one area of weakness for each child that I want to really concentrate on before Easter. Before summer.
10. Ask each child what THEY would like to accomplish before Easter, before the summer, before the next school year.

11. Make a budget for the homeschool year and stick to it!!
12. Make a schedule and stick to it!
13. Saturdays are great catch up days. Don’t be afraid to use them.
14. Make each child responsible for putting their stuff away every day.
15. No more lost books! pencils! assignments! No one leaves the room until they put their stuff away!

16. Have my high school junior work daily on ACT prep.
17. Remember that the pre-schooler needs some time with mom too!

18.  Remember to take time to exercise, think, pray, plan by myself!

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