- DETNEWS | Weblogs | MichMoms Blogtags: no_tag
The holidays can be hard if you have lost a parent. Both my mother and my husband’s mother are no longer with us. Each year, both the longing for what used to be and what could be if they were with us creeps into our holiday preparations.
If you have lost a parent you know what I am talking about. If you haven’t, consider yourself quite blessed and cherish every moment (even if they drive you crazy) because you don’t know what you have until it’s gone
Here’s to all the mothers and grandmothers who are truly missed this holiday season, yet passed down wonderful traditions, faith and love that inspire us to be better daughters, mothers and women.
- Robin Roberts shares her breast cancer ordeal: the athletic, forever-upbeat Good Morning America anchor follows her mother’s advice to ‘make your mess your message.’ Following is an excerpt from a new chapter Roberts wrote for the paperback edition of hertags: no_tag
I just couldn’t shake it. I had been able to lightly exercise a couple of days a week during chemo, but I just didn’t have the strength to work out during radiation.
- Robin Roberts shares her breast cancer ordeal: the athletic, forever-upbeat Good Morning America anchor follows her mother’s advice to ‘make your mess your message.’ Following is an excerpt from a new chapter Roberts wrote for the paperback edition of hertags: no_tag
My knees and back were killing me. For the first time, my white blood cell count dropped. I began looking for nontraditional therapies to support me. Sheryl Crow, breast cancer survivor, sent me to a nutritionist who recommended more protein during radiation. She was also big on fiber. In addition, I went to an acupuncturist for the first time.
- Robin Roberts shares her breast cancer ordeal: the athletic, forever-upbeat Good Morning America anchor follows her mother’s advice to ‘make your mess your message.’ Following is an excerpt from a new chapter Roberts wrote for the paperback edition of hertags: no_tag
Chemotherapy is a roller-coaster ride. There’s really no way to prepare for it. Everyone’s body is different, so there is no typical experience. My veins are small, so a port was implanted ha my chest. The chemo was administered through the port. I had eight treatments …
I kept a journal to write down the details of how I was feeling after treatments. It helped me to notice patterns. The first couple of days alter chemo I was okay. The third day was typically nay worst day. I was queasy, but never got sick to nay stomach. I did get mouth sores. Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash helped a lot. Sucking on hard candy, especially crystallized ginger, was also helpful. Plus, I drank a great deal of water.
- Robin Roberts shares her breast cancer ordeal: the athletic, forever-upbeat Good Morning America anchor follows her mother’s advice to ‘make your mess your message.’ Following is an excerpt from a new chapter Roberts wrote for the paperback edition of herInterestingly, Robin’s mammogram did not show an abnormality – but the ultrasound did. This makes me even more confused about routine mammography. tags: breastcancer
My mammogram came back normal. It was fortunate that Dr. Knapp had also ordered the ultrasound. Dr. Mona Darwish, the attending physician, who has an extensive background in breast cancer work, and her trained eye picked up a tumor that had not been detected with the mammogram. I later learned that it is quite common to get a clean mammogram but discover a tumor on the ultrasound. This is especially true for young women whose denser breast tissue makes it harder to detect abnormalities. It is recommended that younger women and those with a high risk for breast cancer have ultrasounds. Of course, I see the wisdom of that now.
- CNSNews.com – Health Care Bill’s Individual Mandate Is Unconstitutional, Conservative Group Arguestags: no_tag
“Mandating that individuals must obtain health insurance, and imposing any penalty—civil or criminal—on any private citizen for not purchasing health insurance is not authorized by any provision of the U.S. Constitution,” says The Conservative Action Project, a group of prominent conservative activists. “As such, [the bill] is unconstitutional, and should not survive a court challenge on that issue.”
- Senate Health Care Reform Bill is an Abortion Bill – Catholic OnlineWhy the health bill is also an abortion bill. tags: currentevents, healthcare, abortion, areyousorryyet?
– One of the most pro-life members of the U.S. Senate has now clarified what the pro-aborts and their liberal allies in the media have been trying desperately to obscure: The Senate “health care” bill as now written–because of the backroom deal between Harry Reid and Ben Nelson–will force us all to pay for abortions. The time to call your senator is now.
The Senate “health care” bill trashes that principle. According to Senator Sam Brownback, “Despite the promises of the Obama administration and the Democratic leadership that the health care bill would maintain the status quo on the issue of abortion, the legislative language revealed by Majority Leader Harry Reid late last week radically changes that status quo and sets the tragic precedent of providing federal funding for abortion.”
It is true that the bill allows each of the fifty states to “opt out” of providing insurance coverage of abortions. But if even one state decides to provide insurance coverage for abortions, all taxpayers, regardless of where they live, will see their tax dollars used to fund elective abortions in that state. In other words, as Senator Brownback makes clear, “even taxpayers in states that opt out of providing abortion coverage cannot opt out of paying for elective abortion.” This provision effectively kills the Hyde Amendment.
The bill also gives enormous power to the executive branch, which will be able to force private health plans to cover abortion be the simple expedient of defining them as “preventive care.” If you don’t believe that Obama’s health czar won’t use this authority to promote abortion, you haven’t been paying attention.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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