My Domestic Church Daily Clips 12/05/2009

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  • CHOCOLATE FOR YOUR BRAIN!: Poster Children for NFPWell said!tags: Catholic, NFP
    • Still, upon reflection, I came to understand that we are NFP poster children. Only if the goal is to have no children, are we not. The fact that we have nine is more a tribute to my stellar book keeping skills and our great love, than the efficiency or effectiveness of NFP. If you succeed in keeping your family small using this method, it is because you have practiced the virtues of obedience and patience and sacrifice –all beautiful virtues which God loves. You have followed God’s plan. If you sometimes ignore, forget, or willfully chose to ignore the times when one must abstain to avoid conception, you have abandoned yourself to life, to love, to a future of hope, and allowed yourself to be used in the great first gift of creation, also virtues that God loves. Either way, NFP places you firmly on the path to God.
  • Unexpected drop in jobless rate sparks optimism – Yahoo! Financetags: Obama, currentevents, areyousorryyet?
    • The rate unexpectedly fell to 10 percent, from 10.2 percent in October, as employers cut the fewest number of jobs since the recession began. The government also said 159,000 fewer jobs were lost in September and October than first reported.If part-time workers who want full time jobs and laid-off workers who have given up looking for jobs are included, the so-called underemployment rate also fell, to 17.2 percent from 17.5 percent in October.The better-than-expected figures provided a rare dose of good news for a labor market that’s lost 7.2 million jobs in two years. The unemployment rate hadn’t fallen since July. Still, the respite may be temporary.
  • Catholic Fire: Advent Resources 2009tags: Catholic, advent

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