My Dearest Daughter

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I’m kind of taking a break from the letters until next week or so, but wanted to share some old family photos of my mother with her brother, father (my grandfather) and the main letter writer for the My Dearest Daughter Series, my grandmother.

My mother holding hands with her dad and her little brother on the other side.
december 2009 164

My mom as a toddler, holding hands with one of her maternal uncles (on the left) and her Dad – a day at Lake Huron.
december 2009 169

My mother with her mother and little brother in front of the flower garden.
december 2009 168

My mother and my uncle ready for school.
december 2009 172

Anyone who has been following this season might remember the letter when my grandma shipped my mom’s dishes out to her from Michigan.  Well I finally found the china in storage and got some pictures of it.  those are posted with the original post linked above. Unbelievable that this has made it across the country twice! and is still in pretty good shape, although I don’t think I have all of the pieces. 
december 2009 174

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