2010 and New years resolutions!

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I I looked back on these resolutions and was shocked at how poorly I did on a lot of them. But then it was an extraordinary year – my mother died. I still have a hard time coming to terms with that. I still jump a little when the phone rings in the morning because mom always called me in the morning. She is still the first person I think about when I wake up in the morning. Having someone that close to me die just changed everything – my outlook, my energy level, my priorities. And then finding out a few months later that SLO was ill was like having the wind knocked out of me twice.

It was also the year I felt let down by people.

The medical establishment that my mother was entangled with was patronizing and unprofessional, and to my mind were responsible for not taking her symptoms seriously last December, resulting in her death in June. I realize mom was 81. I also realize that she had classic symptoms for ovarian cancer and although she was seeing an oncologist every month, sometimes twice a month, he totally missed it! I don’t think he even examined her.

My evil first cousin ramped up her deceit and greed quotient, which wasn’t as surprising as it was stunning.

Around the time mom was dying, we had our first-ever eBay customer that I felt deliberately targeted us for the purpose of putting a nick in our e-Bay score. There was absolutely nothing I could do to work this person and she seemed eager and even delighted to escalate her problems through the Paypal grievance system. E-bay was not helpful to me at all and I felt allowed the extortion to happen. Mr. Pete and I consequently have only sold one more item since that time. I just lost my enthusiasm for it after that.

I also felt very let down by the hospice program. I had been a big supporter of hospice care – I am now very cautious of it.

So with that in mind I look back at my 2009 resolutions.

1. To try to get more ORGANIZED prayer time into my day, especially with my husband.

I was very inspired mid year by my mother’s example. When we took her for last rites, the priest asked her about her prayer life and she very easily told him about her prayer life and about faithfully praying the liturgy of the hours. When mom passed we found her Breviary, and Mr. Pete and I have been reading about how to start. This is what we want to do for 2010.The Divine Office for Dodos: A Step-By-Step Guide to Praying the Liturgy of the HoursThe Divine Office for Dodos: A Step-By-Step Guide to Praying the Liturgy of the Hours

2. To get more scripture study in too. I am using this tool this year. It’s my goal to have Sam do this with me before his 18th birthday.

3. To be more organized in my household, but particularly with my homeschool. To that end I am going to make myself write in my homeschool blog more to keep a more accurate picture of what we are accomplishing.

Homeschooling was in survival mode this year although everyone made progress in reading and math. Sam even attempted the CLEP test in American History and missed it by only a few points. He did well on the PLAN test too.

On the positive side I did get more help from my kids this year and my daughter too! I want to expand that in 2010.

4. To read more to the little ones AND keep track of it on my Library Thing – also in my homeschool blog.

The school kids and I did great on this. Rosie and I, not so much. I need to have more concentrated quiet time with my baby girl this year.

5. 5. More prayer time with the kids including the Angelus, First Fridays, and Divine Mercy.

On going.

6. Understand more about money this coming year and to find ways to continue to grow our income in a down economy.

7. 9. To hit my new weight loss goal before my BIG BIRTHDAY IN JUNE! I am following along with Barb Curtis and Friends on that one!.

Between the ages of 15 and 45 I was a rigorous exerciser – dancing or Jazzercising four times a week or more. I stopped during my pregnancy with Rosie and had a hard time getting back into a regular schedule. In 2009 I walked a lot and found one of my favorite routes with a big hill to climb that was very aerobic. My goal in 2010 though is to be more focused, regulated, not just with walking but also including all the fitness tapes and DVDs that I have.

8. To practice my instrument at least 3 times a week. yea right!

I did manage to perform a lot more last year, particularly at Christmas time! I would like to start finding venues to play with Sam on guitar just for the joy of it.

11. Keep up with my medical transcription business.

Did it. Not really interested in adding to this though. Transcribing takes me out of family life and I want to find ways to be with my family more – not less. Might ramp up my e-Bay sales although e-Bay is pretty flat right now.

12. Make a concerted effort to let the people in my life who are important to me – KNOW THAT! Mama knew before she died that I loved her, and she continued to let me know that she loved me too. I don’t have any doubts about that. I make sure my kids and my husband know that I love them every day.

Last year I added a part 2 to that. I can let people that I love, like, admire etc. know that. But I can’t make them reciprocate. I continue to work on learning to let that go for my own sake.

It was also the year I felt let down by people.

The medical establishment that my mother was entangled with was patronizing and unprofessional, and to my mind were responsible for not taking her symptoms seriously last December, resulting in her death in June. I realize mom was 81. I also realize that she had classic symptoms for ovarian cancer and although she was seeing an oncologist every month, sometimes twice a month, he totally missed it! I don’t think he even examined her.

My evil first cousin ramped up her deceit and greed quotient, which wasn’t as surprising as it was stunning.

Around the time mom was dying, we had our first-ever eBay customer that I felt deliberately targeted us for the purpose of putting a nick in our e-Bay score. There was absolutely nothing I could do to work this person and she seemed eager and even delighted to escalate her problems through the Paypal grievance system. E-bay was not helpful to me at all and I felt allowed the extortion to happen. Mr. Pete and I consequently have only sold one more item since that time. I just lost my enthusiasm for it after that.

I also felt very let down by the hospice program. I had been a big supporter of hospice care – I am now very cautious of it.

So with that in mind I look back at my 2009 resolutions.

1. To try to get more ORGANIZED prayer time into my day, especially with my husband.

I was very inspired mid year by my mother’s example. When we took her for last rites, the priest asked her about her prayer life and she very easily told him about her prayer life and about faithfully praying the liturgy of the hours. When mom passed we found her Breviary, and Mr. Pete and I have been reading about how to start. This is what we want to do for 2010.The Divine Office for Dodos: A Step-By-Step Guide to Praying the Liturgy of the HoursThe Divine Office for Dodos: A Step-By-Step Guide to Praying the Liturgy of the Hours

2. To get more scripture study in too. I am using this tool this year. It’s my goal to have Sam do this with me before his 18th birthday.

3. To be more organized in my household, but particularly with my homeschool. To that end I am going to make myself write in my homeschool blog more to keep a more accurate picture of what we are accomplishing.

Homeschooling was in survival mode this year although everyone made progress in reading and math. Sam even attempted the CLEP test in American History and missed it by only a few points. He did well on the PLAN test too.

On the positive side I did get more help from my kids this year and my daughter too! I want to expand that in 2010.

4. To read more to the little ones AND keep track of it on my Library Thing – also in my homeschool blog.

The school kids and I did great on this. Rosie and I, not so much. I need to have more concentrated quiet time with my baby girl this year.

5. 5. More prayer time with the kids including the Angelus, First Fridays, and Divine Mercy.

On going.

6. Understand more about money this coming year and to find ways to continue to grow our income in a down economy.

7. 9. To hit my new weight loss goal before my BIG BIRTHDAY IN JUNE! I am following along with Barb Curtis and Friends on that one!.

Between the ages of 15 and 45 I was a rigorous exerciser – dancing or Jazzercising four times a week or more. I stopped during my pregnancy with Rosie and had a hard time getting back into a regular schedule. In 2009 I walked a lot and found one of my favorite routes with a big hill to climb that was very aerobic. My goal in 2010 though is to be more focused, regulated, not just with walking but also including all the fitness tapes and DVDs that I have.

8. To practice my instrument at least 3 times a week. yea right!

I did manage to perform a lot more last year, particularly at Christmas time! I would like to start finding venues to play with Sam on guitar just for the joy of it.

11. Keep up with my medical transcription business.

Did it. Not really interested in adding to this though. Transcribing takes me out of family life and I want to find ways to be with my family more – not less. Might ramp up my e-Bay sales although e-Bay is pretty flat right now.

12. Make a concerted effort to let the people in my life who are important to me – KNOW THAT! Mama knew before she died that I loved her, and she continued to let me know that she loved me too. I don’t have any doubts about that. I make sure my kids and my husband know that I love them every day.

Last year I added a part 2 to that. I can let people that I love, like, admire etc. know that. But I can’t make them reciprocate. I continue to work on learning to let that go for my own sake.

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