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Outside my window
This isn’t exactly out my window, but this is what it looks around here.
November 002

I am thinking…
about SLO and her family and what recovery is going to be like. I’ve had three Cesareans so I know what abdominal surgery is like, but I wonder what upper body surgery is going to be like and how it will be the same/different.

I also will be sitting for hours in the waiting room with SLO’s boyfriend Bill – whom I barely know and is super quiet – and his best friend whom I have never met, Dick. I will be in a waiting room for hours with Bill and Dick. This will either turn out to be loads of fun and we will be bond and become great friends – or it will be the definition of awkward.

I am thankful for…
my family. My husband and children, sister, nieces, nephews, inlaws, cousins- all of it. And in particular for the great family of my maternal grandfather – they always show their love and support and pull together even when distance separates us.

From the learning rooms
Continuing The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with Noah and Gabe this week. If I can say I have my two middle sons reading authors like C.S. Lewis, I will feel as if I quite accomplished something. Sam is also continuing a study of the King Arthur and Christ next week.

We are also studying about  Iowa and in science – the digestive system.

From the kitchen…
Pot roast

I am wearing…
Black sweat pants and and baggy blue shirt that I forgot I had but love it for its dowdiness.

I am creating…
lesson plans for my kinds on Friday. SLO has her surgery on Friday.

I am going…
to try to keep the house clean and tidy this week so that my husband won’t be stressed when he’s on his own with the kids on Friday.

I am reading…
Dr. Susan Love’s Menopause and Hormone Book: Making Informed Choices
was so good that I bought her Breast Book –
Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book:4th Edition 2005

Everything you ever wanted to know about breasts but were afraid to ask – or heck didn’t even know the question!

I am hoping…
to keep my house clean this week and the homeschooling on task for Mr. Pete.

I am hearing…
Gabe singing while he is supposed to be doing his math.

Around the house…

Status quo

A few plans for the rest of the week:
1. Walk or exercise tape every day. Got some new tapes too!
2. Bible study with Gabe getting ready for confirmation.
3. Get math and reading done with everyone this week and get one library trip in.
4. Keep up with my typing.
5. Finish inventory on my Mom’s estate for the attorney – ugh – which now I have to do although I am debating about working on it Friday while I’m waiting for SLO. Especially if waiting with Bill and Dick turns out to be a dud.

A picture I am sharing:
A recent outing with our dog Sophie.
November 028

November 030

November 032

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