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Outside my window
This isn’t exactly out my window, but this is what it looks around here.

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I am thinking…
“gird your loins” as we enter the arena against cancer with a loved one. Although I think going through this experience with Mom has taught us all much and I think we can play this game, that is the medical system, a little better this time.

I am thankful for…
for this great weather and that Mr. Pete seems to have a lot of work. I am also grateful for my best friend T, who is always there when I need her and gave the best heartfelt, spontaneous prayer with me over the phone that I have ever heard in my life. It was awesome.

From the learning rooms
Starting The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with Noah and Gabe this week. If I can say I have my two middle sons reading authors like C.S. Lewis, I will feel as if I quite accomplished something. Sam is also starting a study of the King Arthur and Christ next week.

We are also studying about  Iowa and in science – the digestive system.

From the kitchen…
Swiss steak and salad for dinner.

I am wearing…
Black sweat pants and a brown workout shirt.

I am creating…
memories for my kids I hope.

I am going…
to be playing my flute a lot more in the next few weeks. The wedding I did on Saturday was okay. I was a little nervous for Jesu and had two small mess ups, but other than that it went well.  I started practicing with another group on Sunday night and of course with Advent approaching the playing at church will go up as well. I am done with wedding season though and that will be a nice change.

I am reading…
Dr. Susan Love’s Menopause and Hormone Book: Making Informed Choices
An Excellent book so far!

I am hoping…
to keep my house clean this week and catch up on the laundry.I switched some tasks around with Noah doing the bathroom now and Gabe the basement. 

Let’s face it. I have 8 people living here and not all of them have the goal of a clean, well ordered household.  A teenage friend was over here this weekend playing with Sam and Gabe and he mentioned that if they lived with him he wouldn’t allow them to be so messy.  I thought that was funny coming from one teen to the other.

I am hearing…
Birds singing outside my window – how odd for November!

Around the house…

Status quo

A few plans for the rest of the week:
1. Walk or exercise tape every day. I got three long walks in last week and already have one down this week so I’m on my way.
2. Bible study with Gabe getting ready for confirmation.
3. Get math and reading done with everyone this week and get one library trip in.
4. Keep up with my typing.
5. Finish inventory on my Mom’s estate for the attorney – ugh – why do I keep putting this off!
6.  Visit the doctor with my loved one.Would rather extract my own teeth with a dirty pair of pliers.

A picture I am sharing:
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This is the memorial for a husband and wife at a local Catholic cemetery.  And on the back they have a memorial for all 10 of their children!  9 boys and 1 girl in the middle.
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