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Outside my window
This isn’t exactly out my window, but this is what it looked like last night in one of the metro parks we hiked in just before dusk.

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I am thinking…
about my baby boy. He was born still 7 years ago yesterday. I miss his presence every day and often wonder what it would be like to have a little six year old boy to snuggle, to read to, to play with his little sister when she is looking for a playmate.

And yet the grief for him, at least this year, is a distant dull ache. I looked forward to making his birthday cake with the kids and eating it, and we had a good time decorating his grave this year.

They had mass in the cemetery today and we went. Calvin took Sarah too. Mr. Pete couldn’t be there because he was working, but it was still very meaningful to me to have all of my children all together.

I am thankful for…
for this great weather and that Mr. Pete seems to have a lot of work.

From the learning rooms
Starting The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with Noah and Gabe this week. If I can say I have my two middle sons reading authors like C.S. Lewis, I will feel as if I quite accomplished something. Sam is also starting a study of the King Arthur and Christ next week.

From the kitchen…
Barbecued pork steaks and Rachel Rae Smashed potatoes!

I am wearing…
Black sweat pants and a glue sweat shirt.

I am creating…
memories for my kids I hope.

I am going…
to be playing my flute at a wedding next week so I have a lot of practicing to do this week!

I am reading…
Dr. Susan Love’s Menopause and Hormone Book: Making Informed Choices
An Excellent book so far!

I am hoping…
to keep my house clean this week and catch up on the laundry.

I am hearing…

Mr. Pete move around in the kitchen.

Around the house…

Taking down Halloween and decorating for All Saints Day and Thanksgiving. 

A few plans for the rest of the week:
1. Walk or exercise tape every day.
2. Bible study with Gabe getting ready for confirmation.
3. Get math and reading done with everyone this week and get one library trip in.
4. Keep up with my typing.
5. Finish inventory on my Mom’s estate for the attorney.

A picture I am sharing:
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