Our All Hallows Eve Celebration

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In the past we have had the opportunity celebrate All Saints day with an orthodox Catholic Group, usually associated with homeschooling. There wasn’t anything like that available to us this year and my parish didn’t have anything and I wasn’t up for planning a big event like that.

Also for the past four years we had gone to a Halloween Brunch and then trick or treating at my mother’s Catholic retirement home. But with Mom gone I knew that wasn’t an option. I suppose I could have called to see if we would have been allowed to trick or treat, but I didn’t think I was ready to walk past her apartment door yet. I’m just not ready.

So instead we invited the neighborhood kids over for a Halloween party. Izzy was very excited about this and I wanted to do my best to make her happy. I didn’t do costumes, but I told the kids they could wear them if they wanted to. Some years you just have to make things more low key. I guess that was true for me this year.

Nonetheless we plunged head with our party. I tried to find a nice balance between All Saints Day and following our Catholic beliefs on the holiday and the more secular Halloween. So to that end I had our spoon saints out on the buffet and I put a few of the saints under our plastic table covering.

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Our pumpkin cake decorated with M&Ms.
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When friends showed up we carved pumpkins!
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october 2009 and old halloween pictures 125We also decorated little pumpkins
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 Then we said grace before our feast of pizza, apples and cake!
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and bobbed for apples
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The final fun feature of our party was the scary movie, and what could be scarier than a horror musical!  We watched Little Shop of Horrors
 – the kids laughed and I think I heard some of the tunes being whistled on the way to PSR this morning!

All and all I think a successful and fun evening.
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My Favorite scenes from LSOH.

What’s scarier than the dentist!!?

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