My Dearest Daughter

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In 1958 my mother got married and moved across the country. These are the letters written to her, mainly by her mother, between 1958 and 1960. Others in the series are in my file.

Friday October 24, 1958

Dear Little Gal:

My those last two letters were nice, nice and newsy and we really enjoyed reading them.  Reading and rereading them several times, but my it would be so nice to hear your voice. We are all so anxious for the last of December to arrive.

You say you are going to ask for leave in about five weeks? Don’t you think that you could teach a while longer than that?  Of course, we are only thinking of you, you know, and it seems to us that the time would pass for you much quicker if you taught longer. Then too, the problem of eating.  You must watch your food, it just must be the right kind, very little starchy foods, in fact the less starch the better for you. You should have meat, vegetables, fresh and canned, and fruits. If you can take enough things that have vitamin C in them you’ll be better off. Perhaps you can suplement your diet with vitamins. You’ll need calcium too, you know, course you are drinking milk. 

About your bras, there is no reason why you can’t keep on wearing the ones y ou have. The only time you’ll change to a different kind is after the baby is here and if you nurse it, you will have to have front closing bras. As for girdles, or panty girdles, you should wear something, but of course they can’t be heavily boned.  When you come home, we’ll go shop for a real maternity girdle.  I am sending you a dress next week. I made it today but I must get the buttons for it and make the button holes yet.  I do hope you like it. It looked so nice in the book.  I will make a white collar, which you can wear on the dress if you wish.  I have another pattern too, will make that up a little later. 

Well Dad and Calvin have done better than Pete.  They each have gotten 4 pheasants and Dad got a rabbit too. It sure sounded like a war the first day.

Do you have a television? or a radio?  I have thought of sending your radio here, but since you say they treat the packages as footballs, and Uncle Joseph says they do too and that it is so hard to collect the insurance on the packages, guess I won’t send it.

Dad is all thru working I guess. I wish he could get a job and work steady for just a year, that would be so wonderful, it would really put us on easy street. Lester Trudeau was out the other evening and paid for the beef he got a week before the wedding.  Today a man came and wanted Dad to make a price on our whole herd of cattle, and Dad told him he wasn’t interested in selling all of the cows.  Guess they are going to keep all the heifers too.
Tonight is the fish fry at the hall, but I’m not going.  I can still taste the fish Dad brought home last month.  He stayed and worked, and then had to bring home what was left and it was horrid. 

I went to see Dr. McCabe a month ago, and she said the job Ford’s (Hospital) did was a good one, my trouble was the lack of an estrogen in my system and so she gave me a prescription. I went back for a check up last Tuesday and she said things looked much better, but that I will have to use this estrogen the rest of my life.  Gosh.  

You should see the apples we have on teh back porch.  We bought some, the Roybals sent us some, the Sunsteadt’s gave us to bushels, one golden delicious and one red delicious.  Ih ave been cannign pears. They were beautiful this year and there are so many that are going to waste; I just can’t can them all.

Well Ii guess I’ll go and run the bulletin off and then go home.  Fr. Donahoe went in to the Ford Clinic yesterday morning, he has to go back again on Monday. I do hope it isn’t anything serious.

Remember kitten, you should not gain weight very fast.  They use to say, “Well, you have to eat for two.” That is all bosh, you just have to eat the right things.  Of course from now on you will gain some, but it should be very little.  I’ll send the black blouse out next week too. I’ll set the buttons over a little.

Well it is 4:45 and by the time I run the bulletin it will be after 5 p.m. so gotta go now.  Please keep writing nice newsyletters. They mean so much to all of us.

May God Bless you.


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