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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1. Holy cow! With all the stuff going on around here I totally forgot that last week was my 6 year blogiversary! or is it blogoversary? Anyway it’s been six years since I started blogging. Seems longer. I was checking out the biographies of the bloggers over at the HSBA site and it occurred to me that I had been blogging longer than most of them – and then I remembered I forgot to mention the anniversary. So now it’s mentioned – for whatever that’s worth.

2. I have a TON of new music to learn both for the vocal ensemble group I play with and for special Christmas music at church. So I will have to PRACTICE!! Which isn’t all bad I just have to get rid of some time wasters and put some effort in it. But I have left my options open with both groups that my first commitment is to my family and getting SLO through surgery and everything else.

Still having music to learn and play might be a nice distraction – so I’m keeping it open.

3. One thing I would LOVE to do next month is find a nice little shop that wants some music for its customers and have Sam help me to provide them with flute and guitar Christmas carols! But I don’t know if Sam has time to do that.

4. I did tell Sam and Gabe that for my Christmas present, I want them to learn and play my favorite Journey song – and they are actually working on it!

5. I think Rosie is teaching herself how to write. She colored something for me this week that was absolutely beautiful and much better than I could have done at 4 years old. She has also started drawing angels and little girls complete with arms and legs and big smiles with lots of hair! And she writes alphabet letters around them as if she is trying to write about her drawings. So I might start teaching her with those 100 Easy Lessons sooner than I thought!

6. When I was growing up, my grandma always told my sister and me that if we moved out of the house, we could never move back. That may have been because my mom moved out to get married and then moved back pregnant with a toddler. But whatever it was I took her seriously and didn’t move out until I got married. Calvin is desperate to move out on his own although I really think at this point in his life he has a great opportunity to save a great deal of money instead of spending it on rent. After all, he’ll have the rest of his life to pay monthly rent or a house payment! But he seems to be determined to go. Last night I told him that if it doesn’t work out, he can always come back home. With apologies to my grandma I just want my kids to know that if they fail they have a safe place to regroup before they try again.

7. Carrie Prejean has been quite an example to youmg women. But then again not all examples are good ones. Don’t have naked pictures taken of yourself and don’t send sexy videos to boyfriends you hardly know. Because there are very few gentleman left in this world, and you can be assured that the type of guy who would like to see those sexy homemade movies and tapes probably isn’t one of them. And he’ll expose everything that was private for the right price.

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