Sunday Snippets

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Sunday Snippets–A Catholic Carnival is a weekly opportunity to share our best posts with the wider Catholic blogging community. To participate, create a post highlighting posts that would be of interest to Catholics and link to the host blog at This That and the Other Blog. Go to the host blog and leave a comment giving a link to your post.

Today I’ll give you a view of Catholic life in my life, parish and diocese.
Yesterday Sam escorted literally, “the girl almost next door” and special friend to her homecoming at the local Catholic All Girl High School’s Homecoming. This was Sam’s first formal dance and we’ll have to work on a few things- like how to tie a tie, the importance of having black dress socks, and not counting on borrowing your brother’s belt when he outweighs you by a good 50 pounds! We did order a corsage which was lovely and unbeknown to us, Sam’s date ordered his flower from the same florist- so they matched! That was fun. Her mother also made her dress and I thought did a very nice job.

homecoming for the Elms 2009 001

Before the homecoming festivities I had to do another wedding. This one was huge and there were 8 bridesmaids. Luckily they had also hired a regular wedding coordinator – the kind that does an itinerary and manages the reception and picks everyone up to have their hair done and brings them bagels and water – that kind. Anyway, one of the girls went to put on her dress and the zipper completely ripped out. Totally. If the wedding coordinator hadn’t been there, I would have had to sew her up and as I only have white and black thread in my box it wouldn’t have looked as nice and it would have taken a bit more time. (Note to self- put invisible thread in bridal tool box). But other than that it went pretty well. The toddler flower girl was sick so her grandma took her down the aisle, but her sisters were troopers and went down just fine.

Neither the wedding coordinator, her assistant or the limo driver like our church’s bridal room. It is VERY small and certainly can’t accommodate eight bridesmaids, three flower girls a bride and her mother. I wonder why they made it so small? But one of the older ladies told me that back in 1958 brides came dressed for the wedding and didn’t need such a big room. Anyway, I just let them discuss it because I don’t think we’re going to be enlarging it any time soon.

Now before the wedding ended, little children started showing up for the Children’s Christmas Choir rehearsal which was to start immediately afterwards (the organist squeezes it in between the weddings and the Saturday night mass.) I had the children, mainly little girls, stand in the back and watch the wedding quietly before they could go up to the choir loft. Oh I wish I had had my camera with me! When those little girls saw the beautiful bride and her groom come down the aisle in her lovely gown, their eyes popped open and their mouths smiled in awe and happiness and they started clapping! It was wonderful to see!

Now before all of that, I took Izzy and Noah to the big huge Diocesan Cross Country Meet. There were HUNDREDS of runners. It was the biggest meet they ever ran in.

Hudson championships CYO 059

It was awesome!

Izzy liked the new hat and gloves I got her and she looked quite stylish as she paced herself around the course.

Hudson championships CYO 177

Noah however wanted to finish in the top 50. I think he almost made the top 100 I think that was the top half of the group. He definitely wants to be a better runner. “Mom, I am running with all my might but I just can’t move my body any faster!” So I’ve decided to try to train him in the off season, but I’ll have to teach myself how to do that first! I never ran cross country.

Hudson championships CYO 122

One of the cross country moms sought me out yesterday. She has to work and go to school and never could go to the meets, but she very much enjoyed seeing my pictures every week. It meant a lot to her. So I’m glad I did it and I’m glad I bought my expensive camera. A lot of people got a lot of joy from it.

Lastly, it sure was a treat to hear the announcer line up the runners, “St. Albert’s, St. Barnabas, Holy Family,” etc. There was no doubt that this cross country meet had a distinctly Catholic theme!

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