My Dearest Daughter

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September 2, 1958

Dear Mickey and Pete:

Got a letter today from a girl I know. She’s quite a distance from here. Could you guess who she might be? Oh oh, cutting down hay, golly you didn’t do that at home, but of course it is your hay and that makes a difference doesn’t it honey?

I have all those To God Thru Music Books, and Music Fun, and everything that I could find pertaining to music all packed, but don’t know where to send them. To Tierra Amarilla or to Chama? When do you want your coats? There are a couple dresses left, jersey and a print skirt with black blouse also a winter gray. It was pretty cold here yesterday. Up in the upper peninsula they had 25 degrees.

I got the title to the Dodge today and shall take care of that little matter tomorrow. Oh yea, Jimmie and Honey had a little girl last Tuesday morning, I don’t know what they named her, when I know I’ll let you know. By the time I get home tonight, I suppose that your Dad will have the aluminum door on. It is quite a jigsaw puzzle to get together.

Golly it sounds pretty there. Know what? Your Dad is ready to go out there most any time now. He misses you so much. Calvin tickles me. Something was said and he said, “Well, what do you think? I DO miss her, she’s my only sister isn’t she? The two of them are all for going out there right now to see you. Of course no one misses you like your old mother. There are so many times when it seems as tho you should be coming in thru the music door, and that ole piano looks lonesome too.

Sno-Fee whined round one morning about the third day after you left, and the upstairs door was open, so she runs up there. I could hear her little claws tapping on the floor in your room, then she came down, and went and laid down. Wonder just what did she think?

Dad asks if I thought Spooky missed you and I said I couldn’t imagine. Cats are not as affectionate as dogs. Spooky is fine now and getting so fat. Poor Blackball died last week, wasn’t sick, nor was she hit by a car. Just curled up under my Magic Lilly and died. I found her dead and of course I buried her. Pixie is fine, she is the cutest doggone kitten I think we ever had. So smart. The three little ones and so cute too.

Well dear, I went in to see Dr. Schwartz. He wrote down the name of the liver extract and the amount, he said to tell the doctor to put the whole amount in a syringe. He said sometimes doctors don’t give a big enough shot, so he said to be sure to tell him that that is just one shot, on the prescription slip enclosed herewith.

Well honeybunches, don’t dowrk too hard. Pete, Rome wasn’t built in one day and you can’t do everything in one day, don’t try.

I must get ready to go home now. Father Kittel just came in, Father D. has been gone all day and its Tuesday too. Mrs. Smith had a caller this afternoon. She called to me “He thinks he is my boy friend, but he is a protestant and can’t hardly hear a thing. I’d rather fry eggs the rest of my life!” She is so funny.

Mother is feeling pretty good, but I think she is getting lonesome for the children. One of her dearest friends died, Mrs. Draugelis. She felt kinda bad cause she couldn’t go to the funeral.

All our love and May God Bless you.


Hi, this is daddy. I’m sure glad you two are doing things big. I’m working in GM Proving ground now. I’ll write when I have more space. Dad.

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