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Outside my window
Blue skies, warm fall day but with precipitation in the forecast at least until Wednesday.

I am thinking…
How much I am like my grandma. I just finished reading her letter that I will post tomorrow. She is so sad about her daughter moving away and yet trying to deal with it maturely. This week Calvin told me he wants to live in South Carolina and that hurt a little bit. I guess it’s inevitable, although I am trying to impress upon the other five kids the importance of family. She also mentions the sentiment behind wedding presents and I can relate to that! I keep things out of sentiment as well. My mom must have also been sentimental – she did keep all of these letters!

I am thankful for…
My husband who is diligently putting the new front door on my house! The old one had the bottom kicked out which was replaced with a piece of scrap plywood.

soccer season! 005

It looked awful and wasn’t very energy efficient or pretty. This new one is both!

From the learning rooms
Week two of homeschooling. All the sports and all of the activities – the whole enchilada. Really going to look at the PSAT test materials with Sam.

From the kitchen…
Pot roast, potatoes and carrots!

I am wearing…
I bought some work out pants from Target. They fit, they’re comfortable, they clean up easily and a green sweater.

I am creating…
a fresh start, a clean mind and a pure heart. Which means I’m keeping away from the really hard arguments over at Candyland.

I am going…
to continue my new exercise regimen. I am going to walk every day between 6 and 7 a.m. with Sam. I also want to make it to a couple of daily masses a week. The group of people that attend our church’s daily masses are just really, really special and I’ve made up my mind I want to be part of that group. I have also renewed my commitment to the Music Ministry at church as well as with my homeschool group. I am at a point right now in my life that I really value my relationships and I want to continue to grow and cultivate them.

I am reading…

Anticancer: A New Way of Life
(although personally I don’t think there’s much you can do about it – still it’s worth a look.)

Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+La
The most intriguing homeschool book I’ve read in a long time!


Your Best Birth: Know All Your Options, Discover the Natural Choices, and Take Back the Birth Experience
I’m hoping to blog on this later this week. I mean it this time!

I am hoping…
step on the scale at the end of the week and see a happy number.
I am hoping to have everyone do math and reading at least every day
I am hoping to have Sam’s high school courses going.
I am hoping to keep the house in good order.
I am hoping not to lose my mind!

I am hearing… The air conditioner which actually masks the usual buzzing in my ears. I’m going to miss that!

Around the house…
I am going to tackle the classroom and Mt. Neverrest- the Laundry

A few plans for the rest of the week: Ditto above!

A picture I am sharing:

cross country September 2009 104
Gabe half way through his race taken with my new camera!

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