The Petition- no to nationalized health care

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Last night the kids and I were watching The Pursuit of Happyness on t.v. In case you haven’t seen it, Will Smith plays a single dad trying to support his 5-year-old son will doing a difficult internship at Dean Witter. They are living in a low cost motel and making every penny count, barely scraping by.

Then one day he receives a notice from the IRS that they have wiped out his bank account to apply to back taxes. In short they left him only $21 to live off of. The result of that is Smith’s character and his son end up homeless, sleeping in shelters or in the subway station until he can finish his internship.

My point is this. The IRS is a government entity. If the government wouldn’t care two seconds whether or not taking money out of a person’s bank account would leave him in dire straights, why would government health care worry about it?

The answer is it wouldn’t. Look at how socialized medicine is working in the UK. Last week reports came out of the UK that 4000 women were forced to give birth in bathrooms and hallways because there weren’t enough beds. Little premature babies are given up for dead. Of course you don’t have to be a premature baby for the government to decide you shouldn’t live. Anyone remember Charlotte Wyatt? The other end of the spectrum is in danger too. A report came out last week that the elderly should get low priority on swine flu treatment!

No one argues that there isn’t room for health care reform in this country. But Obama’s plan and the current house bill are NOT the best solutions and are in fact the Trojan horse that let’s government take greater control of your life. If the IRS can get into your bank account, wait until a Washington bureaucrat takes a peak at your medical records and decides what treatment you should have – if any!

Sign the petition today – send a message to Washington!
The Petition

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