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Outside my window
it is hot and sunny.  

I am thinking…
about how happy I was to close my Chase Credit card yesterday.  I totally paid of the balance last month, but got hit with a $12 fee for this month.  I called them to make sure that this wasn’t going to be an ongoing fee just for the pleasure of having them give me a fee every month!  They assured me that this would be the last time.  So I paid them $12 for basically nothing. Then I asked if they could lower the interest rate now that I had a zero balance.  I think that’s a reasonable request and the interest rate was 31%!! Much to my disbelief, they told me that they “could not lower the interest rate at this time.”   So I told them that I just wanted to close the stupid account.  I’d be nuts to ever charge anything on there again at 31% interest.  And that felt pretty good actually.  It was like I had a little power over something for a change!!

I am thankful for…
Dr. Holinga our reading specialist and portfolio reviewer.  She really helped pick up my spirits at our meeting last week.  And not only on homeschooling, but on how the kids are in general and with great empathy to the loss of my mother.

From the learning rooms
I am cutting WAY back this week.  However,  Gabe and I have work to do in our Bravewriter Kid’s Write Basic Class.  Sam has to do some Algebra II for his tutor on Tuesday. 

From the kitchen…
Not sure yet, but I have a Weight Watcher’s Cookbook I bought at a yard sale and I want to explore some of that.

I am wearing…
Black capris, white shirt.

I am creating…
A cleaner house. In these next two weeks I will be cleaning as much as I can while still doing my transcription duties. I also have to plan for next year and also send in my notifications to the superintendent.

I am going…
to be posting on how to comply with the State of Ohio regulations easily!  Stay tuned for that on Tuesday.

I am reading…

Mary Poppins which is much, much better than the movie!!

150 Bible Verses Every Catholic Should Know

I am hoping…
That I can stay out of Calvin’s way.  He is talking about moving out into his own place.  He also wants to save $10,000.  Perhaps if he checks out how much stuff costs he will decide that the two goals sort of contradict each other.  But in the meantime I try not to be a meddling mother. I don’t call him on the phone when he’s gone and I try not to bug him about stuff when he’s here.  He’s more of a border really nowadays than my son. That’s how it feels sometimes at least.

I am hearing…
The air conditioner which actually masks the usual buzzing in my ears.

Around the house…
Cleaning and laundry – a total late summer clean to prepare for the new school  year.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Plan for next school year and make our annual notifications.  

A picture I am sharing:

Mr. Pete and I finally get a room with a heart shaped tub and we forgot to leave the kids at home!

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