My Dear Daughter

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After my parents were married, they started the long, long trip by car from Michigan to New Mexico. You need to know that for the context of this letter.  Read the other parts of this series from my links.

Dear Maryrose and Pete:

We got your letter today. I’m glad you stopped over at *Kay and Jerry’s. Glad you had such a good time with them. I would love to hear the results of your stop at St. Mary’s.

I called Mr. Barber today, and he said they were ready (the pictures) so I am going out tomorrow to get them. I will keep them a little while and then send them on to you. I suppose I will have to wait longer on pictures for the Wedding Party. I don’t suppose that he made any extra ones. If the one at the Altar, right after you were married is good, that is the one that I will have them finish off. O.K.?


I haven’t mailed out anything yet. I couldn’t go to work on Monday, so had to work Tuesday and today. Tomorrow I will send the suitcase, and your laundry which I washed on Tuesday morning, and ironed this morning. The patch came off the dress, so I really put a patch on it, looks better too I think.

I hope after you get to Pete’s that you will write a long letter telling about your trip. Grandma (this is my great grandma!) says an extra rosary for you two every morning. I shall remember you in my prayers too, always.


I will ask around and see what the opinion is about the express packages. It is so with freight, but so far my experience has been the same kind of delivery whether pre-paid or collect or express.

I’ll have to get some more cartons for those books, the ones they are in now are not very substantial.

I have mailed out an envelope (large brown one) with the mail tht has come to the house. This letter I mentioned from the Roybals is in there too.

Dad is going to be thru with his job tonight. He is going to ask for his release from the Stanley-Carter co. He is going up north, he asked mom to go, but she can’t. At our house she says she can fix her meals as she should, but going someplace else she just doesn’t feel right. And I don’t think she should go. That *reunion is going to be something I guess.

Must close now. Will send things along as quickly as I can. but I don’t think the things that you are not going to need right away should go until you are really settled. How much of the stuff that was left in the drawers of the chest and vanity do you want? How about the gray coat with the mouton? shall I send that along with the other ones? (Later of course).

God bless you and keep you both well and happy.



*(Kay was a friend of my mothers. They were very close and my sister is named for her. My grandma didn’t like her that much. In a few years, as I remember it, Kay separates from her husband and makes a move on my Dad – just like a soap opera.)

*My grandpa’s family has had an annual reunion forever!!! in August. Mr. Pete and I have gone to it for decades!

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