The Fest – Catholic Carnival Sunday Snippets

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Last weekend my family attended the 9th annual FEST held on the seminary grounds of the Diocese of Cleveland.

This is not for the faint of heart.  This really and truly is an event for YOUNG people.  If I didn’t have kids, I wouldn’t show up until it was time for mass.  But I have kids and they love all of the activity. 



But this is one of my favorite parts. Every year, in one of the courtyards, they have priests hearing confession.  I had a really great priest this year and felt so much better after he had heard my confession and given me absolution.  Really, it’s one of my favorite parts of the Fest.

Now it was in the 90s last weekend.  In the chapel they have adoration in the AIR CONDITIONED chapel.  My girlfriend calls it “chillin with Jesus.”   I did that a couple of times!


This kind of gives you a view of the stage.


Mr. Pete sat down and watched Rosie do this over, and over, and over, and over and over…


Noah did it too!

The all important relief station!

The Portapotties are the worst part of the Fest.

Choir point of view - stage right
Here is the view of the crowd from the choir.  Click on it to get a better look.

Flag Dancers 4
The flag dancers.

And then time for mass.


I couldn’t get any pictures but the Knights of Columbus were there in their suits and capes.  Noah said, “Those guys are hard core!”   Indeed.  I made sure the head knight knew that too!   The Knights come in ahead of the priests and mark their way.

And then the priests come in.  Lots of them. From all over the diocese!  It makes me tear up every time I see this… my beloved Knights and then all of these Holy priests.


The Homily - Father Andy Turner

And right after mass… fireworks.

and glow sticks!!

Ht Cindy Bohnlein for additional photos.

My Old pal Onan popped up Daughter of Wisdom: The Sin of Onan: A Case Against Contraception?“> on the blogosophere here.

I am fascinated with the Liturgy of the Hours. Melanie has a wonderful article with lots of links about praying the liturgy here.

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