What’s going on at My Domestic Church

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Mr. Pete bought a new van ( for us anyway) from a nice man in North Carolina on e-Bay. The transaction went smoothly but of course the devil is in the details. It seems he cannot get plates for the van in N.Carolina because our insurance company is not licensed or registered or whatever in N. Carolina. So Mr. Pete tried to buy some insurance in N. Carolina but they wouldn’t sell to him because – wait for it –

he’s not a resident of North Carolina!

So he asked someone at the Department of Motor Vehicles what he should do since he only plans to drive the van for 45 minutes to get out of North Carolina back home. Their reply was akin to that deer in the headlights look. I guess the moral to the story is make sure your insurance company will cover you in whatever state you want to buy an e-Bay vehicle from.

Hopefully he will get that worked out and be back home tonight.

In other news, I have to get my mom’s ashes today. That makes me happy and sad at the same time. I actually MISS having her around and having her ashes in my home is comforting to me in a way. I think. I don’t actually know yet because I haven’t picked them up. But I like the idea of it. At the same time I have to take them out to the cemetery on Friday and that makes me sad in a way. On the other end it’s closure and with closure comes some relief.

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