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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1. Back in 2005 I blogged about the day we inurned my father’s ashes. You can read that here, here, here and here. Today we take my mother’s ashes out there as well.

2. Originally my mom was going to have a regular burial, but she changed her plans when my father was cremated. My mom was sort of like that – always changing her plans based on what my father did or didn’t do. When mom first died I had the bright idea that maybe we could go ahead with a regular burial and then put Daddy’s ashes in her grave. Then we could get a regular grave stone and have a regular grave site. But my sister protested that this is what my mother wanted and so this is what we should do. It’s not about me.

3. I’ll bet I end up spending most of the time out there though. Just sayin… Visiting a “niche” just doesn’t have the same feel as visiting a “grave.”

4. On the positive side, I did go out there with my mom when she bought the niches and they are right on the ground, so that will make it easier to bring flowers and other decorations to put right in front of the niches. Assuming of course the cemetery people don’t throw them away.

5. Speaking of the cemetery people – I really do love our cemetery but sometimes they drive my nuts. I had to go out and sign a paper to have mom inurned today and so I went out to visit Raphael’s grave. We bought a very nice vase for Raphael’s grave. It sits on top of its base when you have flowers in it, but then when they want to mow the grass it pops right down into the base, underground to lie flat with the ground. It takes two seconds to put it in the base properly, but if they just pound it down and then run over it with the lawnmower it gets jammed inside and you can’t get it out to put flowers in it. Such was the case yesterday. Luckily Mr. Pete know how to unjam it.


6. After we get mom in her new place, I have two wedding rehearsals tonight. The brides couldn’t be more different. They are both older ladies, but the one is so laid back I have only heard from her once. I even called her to make sure everything was all set! The other is 180 degrees on the spectrum. So I work tonight from 5 to about 8.

7. Then tomorrow there is another mass in mom’s honor at 8 a.m. and then I have the two weddings. To top off the day, Sam and Gabe are going away with the youth group on Sunday, so we are going to Saturday night mass – I am so looking forward to Sunday!!!

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