Small Successes

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1. Today I sat in a care meeting for my mother at her skilled nursing home. They basically told me that she is not making progress in any of her therapies, she is declining more and more, and she should be in hospice care. So I listened to all the plans on how to take care of my mother until she basically dies – and although I shed some tears, I was able to hold it together – for the most part.

2. Yesterday when I was visiting my mother, I sent Noah and Rosie down to the sun room. It is very hard to hear mom speak, especially with the kids in the room. A couple of minutes later, Noah came back and told me a lady wanted to talk to me. My first thought was, “Uh oh… what did you kids do!!?”

But that wasn’t it at all. This nice lady, a resident at the home thought that Noah and Rosie were such nice, polite and well-mannered children that she wanted to meet their mother! I was truly surprised and honored.

And as a side note – Noah is completely homeschooled and Rosie stays with me and is not in a pre-school. Yet they had no problems being “socialized” around adults who were several generations older than they were and able to carry on a delightful conversation. Another homeschool stereotype shattered.

3. While I was at the meeting, Sam had to ride his bike to church for his organ lesson. The teacher had a nice compliment for Sam – she told him how much she enjoyed being his teacher. I think when any teacher or student can say that, that truly is high praise!

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