Simple Woman

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Outside my window
It finally looks like summertime- although it still feels like early spring – a wind and a bit of chill still in the air. My backyard looks much better though! Mr. Pete got a rototiller and dug up the garden and we planted our tomatoes and other vegetables!

I am thinking…
that I can’t believe that I am 50 years old. I don’t feel that old. Mr. Pete assures me that I don’t look it, but he’s 51 so there ya go!

I am thankful for… my mom. I went to visit her today and the first words out of her mouth were, “Oh Thank God you’re here…Happy Birthday!” It was so sweet. My mom never had an easy time of it because she was a single mother, but everything I am or ever hope to be I am because of her. And I will always be thankful for that.

From the learning rooms…we had an amazing school day! Gabe and Sam were great on their dictation and spelling. Today we were analyzing the punctuation in a paragraph and I mentioned that comas were used for parenthesis, and they both already knew that and even mentioned that they were also used for lists of items! They actually learned something this year!! LOL

Sam also took the PLAN test today and I plan to blog a little bit more about that later.

From the kitchen… Somebody is supposed to be broiling steak, fixing mashed potatoes, salad and birthday cake – I hope it’s not ME!!!!????

I am wearing…New yellow sweat pants, and comfortable white T shirt.

I am creating… a blog post later on the murder of Dr. Tiller.

I am going… to try to walk or exercise every day this week.

I am reading… Uncle Tom’s Cabin because Sam is reading it for American Lit.

Also College-Prep Homeschooling: Your Complete Guide to Homeschooling Through High School which is sort of blowing my mind right now with all the great tips in it!

I am hoping… to list some more things on eBay and make some plans for next school year.

I am hearing… from Sam that he almost ruined my birthday cake!!! YIKES

Around the house…More spring cleaning and some eBay listings.

A few plans for the rest of the week:Keep up with my typing, work in some exercise, deep clean the house.

A picture I am sharing:
Me and my mom and dad long, long ago.

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