Sunday Snippets–A Catholic Carnival is a weekly opportunity to share our best posts with the wider Catholic blogging community. To participate, create a post highlighting posts that would be of interest to Catholics and link to the host blog at This That and the Other Blog. Go to the host blog and leave a comment giving a link to your post.
Today is the last day of PSR, Parish School of Religion. To our non-Catholic friends, that’s Sunday School.
Mr. Pete has taught PSR now for 8 years focusing on 6th grade and the Old Testament. We have both learned a lot and he really enjoys it. Still there is a lot of wear and tear on our family. The older boys sing for 9 a.m. mass and Mr. Pete and Izzy and Noah have to go to PSR at 9:30. Then I pick up the older boys at 10 and drive back for mass at 11! It’s a lot.
So by this time of year we affectionately refer to PSR phonetically as in rhymes:with “kisser”. I guess since we’re a little surly these days it just makes us laugh to do it. Anyway, today is the last day for the year- I’m thrilled!
Today we had our Mary crowning. Mr. Pete, Sam and I are provided the music. This was Sam’s first time on the guitar in front of a crowd !
Here’s a neat site I found to help youth prepare for mass.
I talked with my sister yesterday. She watched the Farrah Fawcett special too. We both admitted to shedding some tears over it. I cried when the doctors told Farrah that her cancer had come back to her liver and that her situation looked dire. Farrah cried and I cried with her. Sis and I both balled when her 24-year-old son climbed into bed with her and called her “Mommy.” Since we both have adult sons that was especially poignant.
If I were Farrah, if there is a chance to go to Europe again, instead of going to Germany for treatment, I’d go to France and visit Lourdes. Even if she didn’t get a cure, maybe she would find something else instead. That’s what I would do anyway.
Today Father Jenkins causes scandal to the church by allowing pro-abortion Barrack Obama to receive an honorary degree that he doesn’t deserve. May God have mercy on Father Jenkins soul because he is seriously lost.
Jeanne had the text of the honorary degree here.
Here’s the part that galls me:
he now organizes a larger community, bringing to the world stage a renewed American dedication to diplomacy and dialogue with all nations and religions committed to human rights and the global common good. Through his willingness to engage with those who disagree with him and encourage people of faith to bring their beliefs to the public debate, he is inspiring this nation to heal its divisions of religion, culture, race and politics in the audacious hope for a brighter tomorrow.
Well I guess as long as you aren’t an unborn baby or a baby who has managed to survive an abortion you he’ll be committed to your human rights. And while he may encourage beliefs to come into the public debate I can’t help but think that’s so they are more easily found and squashed out.
I did a little bit of Catholic apologetics this week on the Eucharist here.
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