My Daily Domestic Diigolet 05/07/2009

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  • Obama to be prayer day no-show – Washington Timestags: prayer, current, events, Obama, areyousorryyet?
    • For those of us who have our doubts about Obama’s faith, no, we did not expect him to have the service,” said Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women for America. “But as president, he should put his own lack of faith aside and live up to the office.”
    • Referencing a remark the president made at a recent press conference in Turkey that Americans “do not consider ourselves a Christian nation,” she added: “That was projecting his own beliefs, but not reflecting what the majority of Americans feel. It’s almost like Obama is trying to remake America into his own image. This is not a rejection of Shirley Dobson; it’s a rejection of the concept that America is a spiritual nation and its foundation is Judeo-Christian.”
  • Obama to be prayer day no-show – Washington Timestags: no_tag
    • President Obama is distancing himself from the National Day of Prayer by nixing a formal early morning service and not attending a large Catholic prayer breakfast the next morning.

      All Mr. Obama will do for the National Day of Prayer, which is Thursday, is sign a proclamation honoring the day, which originated in 1952 when Congress set aside the first Thursday in May for the observance.

      For the past eight years, President George W. Bush invited selected Christian and Jewish leaders to the White House East Room, where he typically would give a short speech and several leaders offered prayers.

    • Shirley Dobson, chairwoman of the National Day of Prayer Committee, said the group was “disappointed in the lack of participation by the Obama administration.”

      “At this time in our country’s history, we would hope our president would recognize more fully the importance of prayer,” said Mrs. Dobson, who occupied a prominent seat in the front row for the ceremonies during the Bush administration.

  • The secret life of a Supreme Court short-lister. – By Dahlia Lithwick and Hanna Rosin – Slate MagazineThe short list of women up to replace David Souter. Looks like we are going to get what we truly deserve. My God have Mercy. tags: areyousorryyet?, abortion, current, events
  • 100 Free and Excellent Online SAT Prep Tools | Rated Collegestags: homeschool, college, highschool
  • Kirstie Alley: ‘Yes, I Gained 83 Pounds’ – Kirstie Alley : People.comI felt so bad reading about Kirstie Alley’s weight gain. It’s not easy losing weight after 40 anyway but to KNOW how hard it is and then to let all the weight get back on anyway… I can’t wrap my mind around that. It obviously wasn’t a lifestyle change for her that it needed to be. I wish her much success. tags: diet, weight, loss

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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