Logical fallacy alert

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I don’t know if my last comment is going to be posted or not, but this was a classic us of logical fallacies and I wanted to preserve it here.

This occurs at the end of this thread between me, Jennie who is the blogger, and Theresa, a frequent commenter here as well.

Jennie: Do you believe you can be saved without the Church, auricular confession and penance, priests, Mary, and taking the Eucharist? Do you believe you are saved (and have assurance of salvation NOW) only by trusting in Jesus’ sacrifice by faith through God’s grace/

Theresa: Now this is where you are at a disadvantage, I’m afraid. In historical Christianity … and I’m speaking of Reformation Christianity … the sacraments are known as “the ordinary means of grace.” That is, as C. S. Lewis described them, these are the ways by which God’s grace is communicated to us.

Jennie: “Now, this is where you are at a disadvantage, I’m afraid.”
I’m at a disadvantage because I believe God’s word over C.S. Lewis’ word?

Oooo… classic fallacy statement. First of all it’s the false dilemma. No where did Theresa even imply that she was pitting C.S. Lewis against God!! It’s also the strawman because it’s a distortion of Theresa’s point!

Anyway, I did send this to Jennie, but either she’s ignoring it, lost her internet connection, or is just living her life and I’m tired of checking back. So here it is for your consideration.

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