Works for me Wednesday- Birthworks

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The article I blogged on a couple of days ago regarding birth choices made me remember an amazing course I took before my first VBAC. This class, called
Birthworks helped me to really get in touch with my mind, body and belief systems about birth to help me believe in myself and my body’s ability to grow a baby and give birth to it.

This was unlike the hospital birth class that I took with my first son. That course, while teaching a lot about what to expect in the hospital setting didn’t really prepare us for the physical and mental challenge of birth (and a whopping 2/3 of us ended up with C-sections).

Some of the highlights of the course that I used through my subsequent labors included vocalization techniques during contractions, and giving birth in a squatting position, something that was never even suggested for my first baby, but that I used successfully for two 9+ pound babies and my 10+ pounder!

For a mom who wants to try something a little different in childbirth education, this might just be the class.

Works for Me!

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