Sunday Snippets- Catholic Carnival

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Sunday Snippets–A Catholic Carnival is a weekly opportunity to share our best posts with the wider Catholic blogging community. To participate, create a post highlighting posts that would be of interest to Catholics and link to the host blog at Go to the host blog and leave a comment giving a link to your post.

Ruth is trying to fill in the gap left when Jay had to quit administrating the Catholic Carnival. Jay did it for four years and really blessed the Catholic Blogosophere with his efforts.

Ruth is trying to simplify the carnival for everyone. She will host it every week, much like Simple Woman, Works for Me Wednesday, Small Successes etc. That makes it easier right away!

My only hope is that Ruth will abandon the entries just being in her comments and go with Mr. Linky. Simple Woman, WFMW, Small Success and 7-Quick Takes as well as many others ALL USE MR. LINKY and it gives readers a chance to peruse all of the entries all at once instead of scrolling through the comments.

But for this first week here are my snippets:

My niece came into the Catholic Church last week. I have some thoughts on her essay here.  Pictures here.

Also I have inadvertently started a raging discussion on the Eucharist going on here. Follow up link supportive of the Eucharist here. 

Incidentally, we hit John 6 hard on the Visits to Candyland Blog in 2007 complete with links to This Rock Magazine.

Please support this new version of the Catholic Carnival- Sunday Snippets!

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