Some blogging thoughts and teaching our daughters about rape.

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I have recently tip toed back into the world of liberal blogs because I was curious to read about the overall reaction to President Obama’s administration some 45 days or so into it. Long time readers will know that when I started blogging about 5 years ago, I was not afraid to dive right in and converse, discuss, debate, and defend with people who did not necessarily share my world view or philosophies. Long time readers will also know that about a year or so ago I stopped doing it. Apparently it is unacceptable and inappropriate for a stay-at-home mom, wife, mother, homeschooler, Christian to spend any kind of time purusing those types of discussions and I received several admonishments for doing so. My favorite ones made the side bar.

My most recent venture into liberal land has reaffirmed for me that I no longer want to participate in those types if of discussions, at least not without a pseudonym and most definitely with no links back to this blog. If anything the rhetoric and hateful speech in those sites has escalated over time while any thoughtful or compelling arguments has decreased. It now seems to me that liberal blogs and many of the folks who comment on them will no longer accept any voice that isn’t singing in their key. If I want to feel bashed and punished I’ll go slam my hand in the car door. I don’t need to receive cruelty from strangers on the internet, and I don’t want my kids and family threatened either.

Also, I am no longer linking to arguments that I might find interesting from that side of the blogosphere. I used to do that to keep track of discussions and alsoto  encourage other people to join me with whatever cause I was battling. It never worked out that way and once it was even detrimental, so I may talk vaguely about other stuff going on, but the linky goodness won’t be forthcoming.

That all said, one of the things stirring up angry feelings this week are the comments made by Bill O’Reilly from Fox News regarding the abuse of alcohol and rape.

These were O’Reilly’s comments from last August:

O’REILLY: So anyway, these two girls come in from the suburbs and they get bombed, and their car is towed because they’re moronic girls and, you know, they don’t have a car. So they’re standing there in the middle of the night with no car. And then they separate because they’re drunk. They separate, which you never do. All right.
Now Moore, Jennifer Moore, 18, on her way to college. She was 5-foot-2, 105 pounds, wearing a miniskirt and a halter top with a bare midriff. Now, again, there you go. So every predator in the world is gonna pick that up at two in the morning. She’s walking by herself on the West Side Highway, and she gets picked up by a thug. All right. Now she’s out of her mind, drunk.
And the thug takes her over to New Jersey in the cab and kills her and rapes her and does all these terrible things to her. And the thug is so stupid, he uses her cell phone, and the cops trace it back to him and they — and they arrest him and charge him with murder. He had a prostitute girlfriend with him, and she’s charged as an accessory to murder. But Jennifer Moore is in the ground. She’s dead.

  A 2- second Google Search will find that most of the left is demonizing Bill O’Reilly, claiming that he blamed the victim for her own murder and rape.  Some of them go on and on about how rapists are criminal and they’re the ones at fault regardless of what a woman is wearing or doing, there is never any excuse for committing rape.

Fine. I agree.

I also agree that maybe Mr. O’Reilly could have used a little more sensitivity in his comments. 

That all said, the left’s outrage towards Bill O’Reilly reminds me of a driving situation that Mr. Pete and I had a few weeks ago.  I was approaching an intersection and I had the right of way, but the car coming up to my right didn’t show any signs of slowing down.

“What are you slowing down for? We have the right of way!” exclaimed Mr. Pete.

and while that was very true and would have been true even if the guy ran right into us, being right would be sore consolation for the damage and injury that could have resulted from going through the intersection and getting into a collision.

And that’s what I want my daughers and my sons to understand. It is never okay to violate another human being. But it is equally and maybe even more important to protect yourself from being violated!  So I want them to dress sensibily when they go out, travel in a pairs or better yet, with a group, most importantly I want them to stay aware of their surroundings and the people around them.  It’s just really hard to do all of that and maintain the use of good judgement while intoxicated.

That’s the bottom line of Bill O’Reilly’s message. For the all the rhetoric against him, I hope those little kernals of truth stand out to young women.

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