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Outside my window
Blue skies, and am I starting to see a hint of green tree buds?

I am thinking…
that nice guys finish last, but it’s so hard not to be the nice guy! Negotiations over my father’s estate continue. My EFC continues to amaze and shock me. I truly think this paraphrase of Proverbs 4:16 fits her:

16 For she cannot sleep till she does evil;
she is robbed of slumber till she makes someone fall.

She has raped my father’s land of its timber. It will unable to logged again for another 50 years. And yet she refuses to give us any of the money from the logging despite the fact that we forbid her to do so. She is willing to turn over the property now that she has had her way with it.

I am thankful for… my cousin Dan who is on the other end of the family. He called me last night and we chatted for a while. A bachelor and an only child he is having a difficult time caring for his elderly mother and we talked about taking care of our parents. He told me that I was the closest think he had to a little sister – and having never been a little sister before, I thought that was very sweet.

From the learning rooms…I pushed back the CLEP test one more week. Sam just wasn’t ready to do it today. One more week I hope!.

From the kitchen… Turkey soup on the oven for lunch today.

I am wearing…Black pants, pink T shirt and my black jacket.

I am creating…memories for my children as we get ready to recognize the season of Lent.

I am going… to walk today. Mr. Pete and I went for a walk yesterday, down to the cemetery and then back up the huge hill. I did pretty good but was totally out of breath at the top of the hill. I hope to walk it again today – it’s an excellent cardio workout and bun burner!

I am reading…
How to Win Any Argument 
Bud, Not Buddy

and I finished.
How Starbucks Saved My Life: A Son of Privilege Learns to Live Like Everyone Else.  What an excellent read!

A picture to share:
Me and my girls:

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