My Daily Domestic Diigolet 03/16/2009

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  • Pajamas Media » ‘I’m Maureen Dowd, and I’ve Been Had’Well duh! I’m surprised that these folks are surprised. This man is exactly who he said he was. He is acting like just as his history and his record said he would! So why are people so surprised that he is being who he always said he was? Now I’m just waiting for some of the Catholic voters who thought he wouldn’t bother with abortion but be very good on other social issues to come forward and just admit it- they were wrong.
    1. Funding of overseas abortions.
    2. Lifting conscience clause for Catholic health professionals.
    3. Full funding of embryonic stem cell research.

    Are you sorry yet?tags: obama, politics, are, you, sorry, yet?

    • They may need a support group before the month is out. They could gather in New York or Washington where many victims reside. The meetings would start: “I’m Maureen [or David]. I’m a duped Barack voter. And I’m mad.”
      The ranks indeed are filling with the disaffected and the disappointed — Chris Buckley, Maureen Dowd, David Brooks, David Gergen, and even that gynecological sleuth and blogger Andrew Sullivan. And then there is the very angry Marty Peretz. Their complaints are varied but expressed with equal amounts of remorse and bitterness. They all have been done wrong by Barack.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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