I always thought liberals were pro- adoption?

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Apparently not. I happened on to the A Little Pregnant blog yesterday that has that blogger and her fans up in arms about the Ethical Treatment of Human Embryos Act in the state of Georgia. You can read more about that here.

In the comment section, I suggested wrote:

But maybe it will make people take a closer look at adopting the babies and children that are already here and need a home. And that would be a good thing.

I had no idea that would be received with so much hostility! Instead of a point of common ground, it became more of a “well why should us infertiles have the responsibility to adopt all of those unwanted kids.” that’s a paraphrase- but it’s pretty close. Also, apparently because I have never adopted a child, (regardless of two friends who have) I am not allowed to have an opinion on the matter.

So if I have this right, in lib land, it’s okay to abort an unwanted child and most would rather not adopt another woman’s unwanted child. Undergoing thousands of dollars worth of invasive medical procedures to create your own is okay though. Apparently tossing away the prized embryos that have been created is okay, once we’re done with them.

I will never be able to wrap my mind around this mindset.

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