Are You Sorry Yet?

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During and after the elections last fall, quite a few Catholics and political moderates succumbed to the euphoria of the Obama Kool Aid, got all excited about the “historic” nature of electing our first black president, and then (tired and worn down from the years of Bush Bashing) – voted the Democrats into both houses of congress and the executive branch.

But now it appears that those moderate, middle of the road voters who got swept up in the “Yes We Can” movement are beginning to think, “What Did We Do?” and some of those are jumping off like rats from  a sinking ship, even from places like that bastion of liberal thought, the New York Times.

Last week I was riding with a good friend of mine, who back in November gave me all her reasons for voting Democrat, but now has deep regrets for doing so. So I asked her, “are you sorry now” and indeed she was. She like others are starting to come to the conclusion that not all change is for the better, and some change can even be personally harmful.

Others are so personally embarrassed by their vote they refuse to even speak of it, i.e. one blogger, a pro-life Catholic, who has asked me to quit referring to her on this blog.

Over the last several weeks I have asked at the end of posts “Are you Sorry Yet?” I usually write that at the end of posts when Obama does indeed do something to support abortion, like the rescinding the conscience clause for health care professionals, forcing them to participate in abortions against their religious beliefs. But I’ve asked it so frequently of late, I’ve decided to make it a category. So if you see that tag on my posts, that’s what it is referring to.

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