7-quick takes Friday

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1. I think this is the beginning of my mother’s slow decline. I got a call from the social worker at her independent living place this week. She’s not eating, not coming down to dinner, not participating in any of the activities. She hasn’t done her dishes, her apartment smells bad, she just wants to sleep all of the time. I brought her over here today, thinking that maybe being around the kids and their activities would help and I think it did somewhat, but she still spent most of her time sleeping on my couch. I did get her to eat half of a Filet O Fish and a Shamrock Shake. She says that is enough for her supper too.

I am soooo not ready for this. I don’t even want to think about it, but it seems her condition is going to force me to have a reality check.

2. I was surprised to read one of my commenters say “after reading your comments so many times on other peoples’ blogs” because for the most part, I have taken a big step back from commenting on other people’s blogs over the last six months or more. Particularly pro-choice, liberal or Catholic hating Evangelical blogs. Part of the reason for that is those folks are just mean, cruel, obnoxious – and those would be the pro-choice left wing blogs. The sweet smelling, flowery “Christian” blogs are worse.

3. Most of those folks can’t read or reason well either. For example, I wrote:

But maybe it will make people take a closer look at adopting the babies and children that are already here and need a home. And that would be a good thing.

The replies were:

“forcing” people who want to be parents into possibly adopting kids they are not equipped to handle ain’t it.

Elena, I assure you that infertile people are acutely aware that adoption is among the available options.

the responsbility should fall equally on fertile and infertile couples.

Elena, if you’d like to promote adoption, then encourage your legislators to fund adoption awareness spending and to ease the process of adopting. Encouraging adoption through the back door of making fertility treatment less accessible is a crappy way to handle it

I do hope you take every opportunity to adopt at least 2 of those hundreds of babies and children you speak of and not just suggest others should adopt them.

I’m annoyed as hell at this law but most people on this page already know why it’s a ridiculous proposition (attrition, anyone) – but what is really, really getting me is Elena. Gaaah! I can’t even say it, I’m getting so worked up. Better stop now.

Elena – while adaption is an option – just saying that all of the children are perfect and fine and will have run of the mill issues is just uninformed to put it nicely

You make it sound as if adopting a child were so much easier than struggling to conceive while infertile.

Anyone care to count up the strawmen and other logical fallacies? I lost count.

4. I have a really bad case of spring fever. Worse than the kids. They are actually ASKING to be homeschooled. I am feeling rather numb about it – but it could be I’m more than a little petrified about my mom.

5. I performed in a small orchestra last weekend with our church choir doing a little Lenten piece called Colors of Grace. The little girl who played second flute and I practiced together for an hour and a half last Saturday. We had all of our cues written in our music (because a good portion of orchestral music includes counting the rests so that you know when to come in). I heard from my sons, the choir boys, that our flute parts received some high praise from individual choir members and apparently we sounded well on the recorded media as well. So I’m pleased. Some of those musicians were from a local university. I’m just an amateur and my fellow flutist is a high school student. So I think we did ourselves proud.

6. Lent is going reasonably well. I feel that we have the right Lenten atmosphere and we have done several Lenten activities, but I still want to dig deeper. We haven’t started that Lenten bible study yet. Maybe Sunday afternoon we can give it a go.

7. Transcription. I have gals asking me all the time how to get into medical transcription. I think it’s a little scary to get into right now. No one knows how the electronic medical record is going to affect the industry, and there is a lot of competition with transcription going overseas. Wages are pretty low too compared against other health care professions. I have been impressed with my son’s EMT field. He got a job within weeks after finishing a 4 month intensive program. He will have full benefits and only works there 12 hours shifts. It’s not the same as working from home, but maybe as there is more demand maybe there will be more flexibility and options for EMTs and paramedics.

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