My discussion with Janette

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Longtime reader, blogger and commenter, Catholic- Obama supporter and I are having a discussion in one of my com boxes, but my reply is too long! So I’m putting it here. See the entire discussion here.

I don’t support the UN. Do you? Have you been paying taxes while you support them? I have- no choice.

YOU HAD A CHOICE!! Bush banned funds for overseas abortions. One of the first things Obama did – THE GUY YOU VOTED FOR AN THEN FLEW TO WASHINGTON DC TO WATCH HIM BE INAUGURATED – rescinded the ban and by executive order is funding overseas abortion.

With the one exception of the one speech that you put on- I never really heard him speak about abortion. I heard him speak a number of times about birth control- which I know the Catholic view IS abortion

Google his abortion stand. There’s tons of stuff about it. Jill Stanek has a lot of information o her site. Also the book, “The Case against Barack Obama” has an entire chapter on it. I mentioned that book on this blog several times.

…You didn’t get your wish and FOCA was not the first thing he signed into law. I could almost hear a sigh when that happened- so many people wanted it to happen so they could point a finger at him. Sorry.

You’re ridiculous.

It was a sigh of relief from the collective pro-life folks that he didn’t. But then it’s only because the economy has his full attention that he hasn’t. The executive order to take our tax money and fund overseas abortions was his bone to throw at the rabid-pro-abortion crowd until he can carry out the rest of his anti-life agenda.

You were blaming him for everything before he got into office…why stop now? Limbaugh doesn’t.

I’m just pointing out what he’s done since he got in Jannette.

There is a HUGE difference between what Obama wants and the current bill.If you REALLY listened you would know that.

Yea I guess so, because from I’ve read and heard, he pretty much just handed this over to Pelosi and the Dems in congress and let them fill out their wish list and call it a stimulus plan.

So if he REALLY wanted something else, why isn’t he getting it? is he really that ineffective as a leader?

No matter what SOMETHING government wise HAS to happen or Rosie will be getting her salary from the Chinese government. They are the ones (and the Middle East) who own our debt at this point.

If this Porkulus package goes in she’ll be in debt anway. This is a horrible bill. I cant believe you are supporting it.

Has nothing to do with Republican or Democrat. I am a responsible human and taught my children to be responsible. We have been debt free for over twenty years. We paid for our house in cash- in full – when we moved in. We rented for the first sixteen years and saved money. We buy our cars for cash.

The point is Janette, that you want to blame 8 years of the Bush administration and yet you seem to have prospered. Perhaps you should give a little credit there too.

You are sadly mistaken that I am a Democrat. I am more of a Republican in my voting. I campaigned for my Repulican Senator and my Congressman. Moran is a decent person- as is Brownback. I believe that Obama is also a decent person.

Oh I’m sure he is. I bet he would be a lot of fun to go out to dinner with! But his philosophy, and his world view is fundamentally wrong. And that is what I am opposing.

If you want to catagorize me- I would say Independent – registered Republican. Still, I totally disagreed with the last four years of Bush’s handle of Iraq.

A lot of people do. I think the surge came way to late.

I have chatted with soldiers who recieved a million dollars to hand out in villages so they would not attack us. I know people hired by Haluburton- making five or ten times what they made in the Army. I have a right to be upset that we are still in the Middle East- remember, my husband survived a bomb in lovely Saudi- one of our “greatest friends”. The place they HANG and Quater Baptist preachers…..
That is why I was against the “never say die” McCain. I think supporting the injustice over there is terrible…but do you ever think about that?

This is what I think. I think after 9/11 we could no longer consider “an attack” to be a literal physical attack. I think that after that, if an enemy said they had weapons and were planning to use them, that was enough for us to move to defend ourselves. We know Sadam Hussein had weapons and at least at one point used them on his own people. He was doing enough saber rattling and enough defiance against the UN to make him credible. So I think to resume hostilities against him was reasonable.

I think the Hussein regime was evil. I think women and children especially suffered. I remember the story of one female lawyer who defended a client against one of Sadam’s sons. For doing her job, she was picked up, stripped, raped, beaten and at one point sodomized with a broken glass bottle until the bottle filled with her blood. That story still haunts me.

The people can vote now. We are building infrastructure and schools there. Yes, I think we are doing some good and they are much better off than if Sadam had been allowed to continue.

We also have not been attacked again and I think that is huge.

We had a chance in the region. We lost it- time to go. The money is needed at home and the deflation of those inflated Haliburton jobs has got to go with them.

Well apparently even OBama thinks we need to stay a bit longer and stabilize the region. He apparently does not agree with you that it is time to go now.

That money needs to be in the future. Although your children do not use the schools- most children do. That is the future- put our money there and health care.

Well I disagree. I don’t think federal government should be involved too closely with either. I see a lot of problems with that. Who ever pays the bills has control and I don’t want the government telling me that my mom can’t have basic health care because she is 81, or that my kids have to learn the politically correct view of history and social studies to pass a standardized test. Ithink we’re getting a little too close to Orwell’s 1984 with both of those things.

I no longer have interest in either (my children are out of school and I get retiree health care so I am fully covered)it does not change my stand. Build OUR country not theirs.

OK but there is a right and a wrong way to go about it. Let individual communities and small business have at it! Quit handcuffing them with high taxes! We’re a great people and when left alone we can accomplish much.

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