My Daily Domestic Diigolet 02/20/2009

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  • Japanese woman impregnated with wrong eggThis simply appalls me. There is no wonder at life any more. We are becoming a society that oders up babies like we order a hamburger!! And when mistakes are made we send it back? How sickening. tags: abortion
    • The woman, who is in her 20s, aborted the pregnancy when she was told of the potential mix-up at the government-run hospital in Kagawa prefecture, about 330 miles (530 kilometers) southwest of Tokyo.
      She is now suing the local government for 20 million yen ($222,000), according to news reports.
      Hospital officials apologized for the mistake at a news conference Thursday.
      “She was very happy after undergoing such a difficult procedure and becoming pregnant, but unfortunately a mistake had been made,” said Yuzo Matsumoto, director of the Kagawa Prefectural Central Hospital.
  • Wooden Catholic Dolls and ToysCharming Catholic Wooden Dolls!tags: fun, art, Catholic, homeschooling, Saints

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