My Daily Domestic Diigolet 02/15/2009

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  • » Columnists Susan Bailey » Recording artist Angelina makes a special video in Lourdestags: lourdes, Catholic, feast
  • Congressional Democrats’ “Stimulus” Bill Includes Taxpayer Funding for Contraceptives, Abortion Industry | Republican Leader John BoehnerJanette, I’m sorry but I read this, thought of you! The stimulus bill has provisions in it for funding abortions. Here’s the change you wanted. tags: abortion, politics
    • Now comes the latest revelation about the congressional Democrats’ “stimulus” plan: it includes taxpayer funding for contraceptives and the abortion industry.  Specifically, a provision in the legislation clears the way for expanded federal funding of contraceptives through Medicaid for those who aren’t even poor.  Here’s how:
      A Clinton-era program allows states to seek a waiver to offer Medicaid “family planning” services – even for those who are not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid.  If they seek the waiver, the federal government matches the state funding with $9 for every $1. 
      Yesterday, during consideration of the congressional Democrats’ spending bill by the House Energy & Commerce Committee, the panel eliminated the waiver requirement.  The result?  All 50 states will now offer Medicaid “family planning” services (including contraception) with the federal government offering the same $9 to $1 match (pages 231-240).
      Regardless of where anyone stands on taxpayer-funding for contraceptives and the abortion industry, there is no doubt that this once little-known provision in the congressional Democrats’ spending plan has NOTHING to do with stimulating the economy and creating more American jobs.  House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) expressed dismay at the provision allowing for taxpayer-funded contraceptive services at a press briefing after a meeting at the White House earlier today:
  • On the Relationship of Abortion and the Stimulus Bill – Politics4AllTwo birds, one stone. tags: abortion
    • President Obama’s wisdom and foresight continually astound. Much was made of his statement in March of 2008 that he didn’t want his daughters punished with any unwanted pregnancies. Here are his words: “I’m going to teach them first of all about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”
    • A full appreciation of his statement—of its prescience even—can only be gleaned now, in the aftermath of the passage of his stimulus bill. By many, many accounts, the $1,000,000,000,000+ spending bill will have a bit of a downside in the form of horrendous debt for future generations—future generations that include, of course, any children born to the President’s daughter
    • Not only would abortions by his daughters save them from the punishment of unplanned babies; the abortions would also save those small, vulnerable babies from having to deal with the debt incurred by the stimulus bill. Once aborted, those undesired children will be far better off than all the non-aborted children who will know only the hardships of a devalued dollar and triple-digit tax rates. Abortion will save an uncountable number of souls from being the victims of this stimulus bill.
  • – ‘Special Report’ Panel on Pounding Out a Stimulus Compromise – Special Report w/ Bret Baiertags: abortion
    • It’s interesting. Liberals are all about privacy when it comes to one medical procedure, abortion, but, apparently, on all other medical procedures they want to have this czar that can get into all of your medical records.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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