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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1. Started our taxes last night. Quite a hassle but we seem to have a good start on them. We are using Turbo Tax online this year instead of the CD. You don’t have to pay until you’re ready to file which is much more convenient.

2. Mr. Pete and I had an unusual big fight last night. It started when he found errors in one of our eBay listings and escalated from there. I found out later that he had a very bad headache that he had been fighting all day. So I guess that was understandable, but we were still rather miffed at each other by bed time.

3. Unfortunately this is the weekend we have to give our pre-cana talk. If we’re still a little mad at each other by tomorrow, that should be an interesting talk!

4. I was web surfing this week and found a college program for American History! As Sam and I have been hitting American History hard this year, I wanted to check it out and was surprised and pleased that they were using many of the materials I have been using with him, including the The Civil War – A Film by Ken Burns So regardless of how Sam does on the CLEP test, at least I know he has gotten a good education on the subject.

5. After six months of organ lessons, Sam’s teacher thinks he is ready to play a prelude or a postlude at the February 22 mass. I’m thrilled and nervous for him at the same time.

6. I was happy to see two economic indicators were good yesterday! Sales were up! The other one escapes me but I remember hearing it on the radio yesterday.

7. So I mentioned this week is Pre-Cana weekend. Last week I spoke to the RCIA group. I REALLY enjoy public speaking like this and I wish I knew how to make it a more regular thing, maybe even a paid gig. But right now I don’t even know where to start or have the time to research it.

Of course the other think I would like to do in my life after kids is perhaps pursue photography on some level, particularly photos for infant loss, but that would be more of a labor of love.

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