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I’ve been having an ongoing discussion with a Catholic who voted for President Obama. And after we’d taken it to e-mail and the blogger asked me not to comment any more, this was posted:

Update: Per the blogger’s request, I am taking down her words. You can read the original here.

Her post is aimed at me and was posted after our e-mail discussion. The gist of her post is that because I have criticized Catholics (including her) for voting for President Obama because of his strong pro-abortion stand that I am somehow:

*Telling her she is not good enough to be part of the church.
*And because I am not a priest or a bishop I have no right to speak up about it.
*Apparently she’s on the border of losing her Catholic faith and I’m pushing her over the edge.
*And God must be very mad at me.
*But He is obviously forgiving her.

I feel the need to clarify something.

I never told anyone who voted that way that they aren’t “good enough” to be part of the Church. But that doesn’t mean that I’m not going to point out what I think are the errors of that choice were and highlighting bad things as they happen – like this Stimulus Package that just passed loaded down with a lot of pork!

And yes, Jesus didn’t tell folks they weren’t good enough. But he didn’t amend his statements either. When the crowd left him in John 6, he let them leave. When the rich man couldn’t take what Jesus had to say, Jesus let him leave too. Jesus didn’t coddle.

Lastly, God does forgive us our sins, but we have to ask for it and we have to be truly sorry. It’s too soon to say what’s going to happen with this administration and abortion (although Obama already did sign the executive order that uses tax money to fund overseas abortion – so there is some culpability there in my opinion). But to keep asserting that Obama was the right man for this position, knowing the direction he wanted to move is simply naive.

And if he doesn’t – GREAT! I’ll be the first to stand up and say I misjudged him. Will the Catholics who voted for him despite his pro-abortion stance be willing to do the same if FOCA or similar legislation passes, or if he puts a pro-abortion justice on SCOTUS? We’ll see.

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