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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1. Calvin’s new job as an EMT might have some unexpected results. It seems that most of his time during the day involved transporting elderly patients to and from the nursing homes and the hospital. I think seeing these folks is giving him a bit more empathy for his own grandmother’s situation. Maybe he is developing a tenderness for the elderly?

2. My nephew was riding to Ash Wednesday mass with Mr. Pete this week and on the way back they had a good conversation. Our nephew told Mr. Pete that he could not decide if he was Protestant or Catholic (long story). Mr. Pete, who is also this boys godfather, told him that he couldn’t tell him which to be, but he could tell him why he has chosen to remain Catholic. A discussion of the Eucharist ensued. I know Mr. Pete enjoyed having the opportunity to share this type of moment with his Godson. Those types of moments don’t happy very often!

3. We have been very stretched financially this month to the point of a little anxiety. But in church on Wednesday I told God I was going to take it day by day, hour by hour if I had to. And it’s funny how God answers those kinds of prayers! For example, I was a little stressed about paying for Sam’s guitar lesson and voila! the teacher called and canceled this week! Just little things like that fill me with wonder.

4. Of course I wonder how I can pass on those types of little moments to help bolster the strength of others. One of Sam’s friends has completely lost her Christian faith. I would like to find a nonthreatening way to witness to her, or at least give her some food for thought. This is going to require a lot of prayer.

5. My old friend and new Facebook buddy let me know that our old dancing teacher passed away last week. She was 82. I have such warm memories of that time in my life (even though the lack of technique and training there didn’t help me very much when I wanted to pursue dance more seriously). I remember that my teacher let me choreograph and dance a solo and that my grandmother made a skirt for me to wear for the performance. I remember the cute little dance outfits she wore and how up beat she always seemed to me, and the huge dance recital productions, and that I do not remember her ever losing her temper, and how she paid me when I became a teacher at her studio and how she took a bunch of us kids to a dance convention in Columbus once and we had the time of our lives. I remember how much we looked up to the older girls in the studio and wanted to be like them. I remember some tragedies in that studio as well, like the times a student was seriously injured and another one of the teachers was killed in two separate car accidents. Learning of my former teacher’s death has made me remember all of these things. And then egads I just realized that I am older now than she was when I was her student!

6. Candy Brauer took her Keepingthehome.com blog down and implied that she was too busy to keep it up. But it’s back today. So I’m sure Visits to Candyland will remain necessary for the foreseeable future.

7. It looks like we might actually be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with my father’s estate and my EFC. Turns out that stealing from a trust is a crime!

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