7- Quick Takes Friday

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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1.  My heart is breaking for Amy Welborn over the sudden, unexpected loss of her husband this week.  She continues to chronicle what she is going through over on her Facebook page.  It’s very raw, it’s very real. I told Mr. Pete once that no matter what happens, our marriage won’t end well – one of us will be heartbroken and the other will be dead!  If it weren’t for the hope of a life in Christ afterwards, I don’t know how we would get through it.

2.  And on that cheery note – I take my mother today to get her Procrit shot.  She is again very fatigued and tired and thinks she might need another transfusion.  I did look it up and severe anemia is one of the problems with multiple myeloma.  It appears her disease is progressing, but I want to have some eye contact with her doctor today and see if I can glean any information from him.

3.  We sold a bari sax to a gentleman in the south and he was very upset that it arrived all battered and messed up.  The pads even popped out of the instrument!  We have had this happen before. I wonder if the UPS workers just toss and throw these heavy boxes!  I think getting jarred coupled with the severe cold probably caused the pads to pop out.  The customer was angry, but Mr. Pete called him and I think they both feel much better about it.  He’s shipping the horn back and we are going to fix it for him and pay for shipping.  I am going to say something to UPS!

4. I had an interesting troll on my blog this week. I’m not exactly sure what he wanted.  He commented on one of my posts about abortion. I think his ultimate goal was for me to say, “You’re right. You guys won. Abortion will be legal always and forever, the church sucks, I now completely see it your way.”  Didn’t happen.  He was also under the appeal to the majority fallacy, i.e. if MOST Americans, or MOST Catholics think abortion is okay, then it is. Of  course he never addressed any of my points.  Trolls are funny that way.

5.  I only heard briefly from my good friend this week.  I’m hoping everything is okay with her?

6.  I have to talk to the RCIA this Sunday about Marriage and I am a little nervous about it. Last year I did so well and my talk was so well received, that this year I’m bound to crash and burn right?  I’m stressing over what to wear and what to do with my hair.

7.  Speaking of hair – do you think a gray streak gives me more credibility or less?  I saw Mary Matalin on t.v. last night.  She is about six years older than me but her hair was very dark and it just didn’t seem to go well with her features.  I found it distracting. But my gray is “framing” my face and sprinkled in the back. I wonder if people might find that distracting and wonder why I don’t color it ( I don’t color it because I’m too cheap and lazy to keep it up! – there, I said it!)  I have noticed more gray models/spokespeople in commercials lately. Maybe it’s a trend.

Bonus quicktake! 
Izzy and I have been watching the Bachelor on Monday nights. I was intrigued because the Bachelor this time is a divorced guy with a little boy about Rosie’s age and he seems to desperately want a family.  He was also thrown over by Deanna Pappas this past summer who chose a snow boarder instead!  Whatever.

Anyway, last week Jason, The Bachelor, was going on about how he wants a woman who is ready for marriage, who knows what it takes, who wants to be a good step-mom, but still have chemistry with him, on and on and on.  So who does he eliminate?  Stephanie Hogan. The widowed lady with a little girl, who was happily married, knows what parenting is all about and was falling for him!

And he kept all the hot looking 20-somethings who have never been married, (although juding from their answers on a radio talk show, some of them have been having lots of sex).  I hope it works out for Jason but I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well either.

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